Ethnography: in 2050 the Armenian population may reduce to 1.5 million


Yerevan/05.04.13/Turan-ArmInfo: By the year 2050 the population of Armenia could be reduced to 1.5 million; if the current rate of migration continues, said the known Armenian ethnographer, Hranush Khachatryan, in the interview with "Delovoy Express."

She noted that according to official data, in January 2013, the negative balance of migration of the population was seven thousand people, and in February, it reached 15,000. It was estimated

that the real number of Armenia's population is about 2.5 million people, while the official statistics data is 3.5 million people.

According to the ethnographer, the demographic structure of the country is continuously subjected not only to quantitative, but also qualitative changes, in the future the scope of the future aging of the population of Armenia will grow in character. "We have a high rate of aging of the population, 20% are pensioners, though it is permissible rate of aging population should not exceed 7% or 8%," she said.

The geographic disproportion of the population has also caused the concern, and experts describe it  as "monstrous". Thus, about 1.5 million people live in the capital,  and   about   one million people live in regions. Most of the regional population is concentrated in the Ararat valley, because the land there  is   more fertile and profitable than in the foothill and mountain areas.

According to the State Migration Service of the Republic of Armenia, the negative balance of migration in Armenia in January-February 2013 was 22,000, an increase in the annual cut of 7.7 million or 53.7%. During this period, 272.900 left the country, and  250.800 arrived.  -02D-


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