"Gasid" leaves the retail sale of newspapers market

Retail Department of State press distribution company "Gasid" will stop to function on October 1, according to Rahim Hajiyev, deputy editor of the newspaper "Azadlig", which "Gasid" owes about 70 thousand manats. "Gasid" reasoned decision on the fact that most of the stalls "Gasid" removed from the streets and the company suffers losses. "Azadlig" sees this step by  "Gasid" as a tactical maneuver for non-payment  debt to “Azadlig.”

Head of "Gasid", Mirkazym Kazymov,  explained the closure of retail sales  as it has  become very competitive and "Gasid" cannot stand it. Therefore, from now on the company will sell newspapers by subscription only.

 Newsstands by  "Gasid" in recent years, were driven from the streets by  new press kiosks resembling  connvenience  mini-stores selling food products. They were installed by Baku Mayor Office.

The monitoring journalistic groups found out  that  the new kiosks artificially limit sale of periodicals, especially  opposition newspapers.

In November 2013 was banned selling newspapers in the subway stations and streets of Baku.

Thus, the infrastructure of newspaper sales  has been minimized. It is almost impossible to buy periodicals, including foreign editions. -16D-

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