Hafiz Hajiyev: 10,000 AZN to anyone who would cut off Akram Aylisli"s ear

The pro-government party Modern Musavat decided to give an award to anyone who cuts off an ear of the writer Akram Aylisli.

The head of this party, Hafiz Hajiyev confirmed to Turan that the decision was actually made.

"Last week we had a discussion and made that decision. It is solid and will not be revoked," he said flatly.

On the question of what is said in the decision of the party, Hafiz Hajiyev said the decision noted that in his novel Aylisli insulted 4.5 million people from Western Azerbaijan (modern Armenia), presenting them as savages.

"Therefore, the decision is that all penalties for Aylisli will be small and we have to cut off his ear. This decision is to be executed by members of the youth branch of the party. The one who implements this decision will receive a bonus of 10 thousand manats," he said.

It is noteworthy that the police would not comment on the highly publicized decision of the party headed by Hafiz Hajiyev.

According to the lawyers, the call by Hafiz Hajiyev is subject to a criminal article (grievous bodily harm) and is punishable by imprisonment.

"Olympic calm" of the law enforcement and their open disregard for such blatant public advocacy of violence is, to say the least, surprising.

So a few days ago, the newspaper Azadlig published a report on the preparation of the Shamakhi population for a protest against the tyranny of the local authorities. The next day, the prosecutor's office called the newspaper's editor and gave him an official warning, Moreover, the prosecution made a special statement, which threatened with serious consequences newspapers for publishing such material.

In this case, the DHS, the Interior Ministry and the Prosecutor are silent amid public calls to violence against the writer. -03B-


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