Media Review -17.08.2019

Azerbaijan"s transit and logistics capabilities, obstacles to the flow of investments into the country, the problem of old cars and other topics are in the center of today's media.

The newspaper "Azerbaijan" in the article "Logistic and transit space in the Caucasus" focuses on the transformation of Azerbaijan into a logistics and transit center in the Caucasus. The author notes that Azerbaijan, using its advantageous geographical location, has managed to become one of the important transport and logistics hubs in the Eurasian space. Situated on the intersection of East and West, North and South, Azerbaijan, using these opportunities, connects countries and continents. The created transport and logical infrastructure brings the country economic dividends.

The site "Yeni" in the publication "Millions of dollars can arrive in Azerbaijan - what prevents?" raises the topic of investment in the country. Expert economist Akif Nasirli comments on new amendments to the Migration Code. According to innovations, foreigners engaged in entrepreneurial activity in Azerbaijan are allowed to live in the country for a year. The talk is about the people who have invested in the country more than 500 thousand manats of investments. Even if they remain outside of Azerbaijan, the annual residence permit in Azerbaijan will be valid. They will be able to use this right in subsequent years if they do not take back the invested 500 thousand manats. However, Nasirli does not believe that the new rules will seriously affect the situation and lead only to a small inflow of capital. For the influx of large investments, healthy competition and free courts are necessary so that entrepreneurs can appeal a violation of their rights. In addition, guarantees must be provided to investors that their property will not be alienated.

The website "" in the publication "Old cars must be cleaned - an expert call" comments on the topic of seizing vehicles that have expired. Expert Elmaddin Muradli believes that old cars more often become the reason for accidents, since because of low safety standards, drivers and passengers are seriously injured, and sometimes die. In some countries, the state takes away old cars and instead produces local cars, as in Russia. The new cars are sold at low prices, or on soft loans. At the end of last year, Azerbaijan adopted a 5-year program to decommission old cars. However, no real steps are taken, and the State Customs Committee applies import duties on cars that exceed the price of the car itself. Rules should also be developed for the decommissioning of technically unsuitable vehicles. -0-

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