Over the week  seven people appealed with complaints of sunstroke

During the last week  Baku city ambulance (BCA) station  provided assistance to seven people with a diagnosis of "sunstroke", three of them were  hospitalized. In total, over the summer  the  BCA  provided first aid to 50 people who suffered from sunstroke; 17 of them were hospitalized.

In recent days, in large parts of Azerbaijan, including Baku  the air temperature  reached 40-degree.

Therefore, doctors recommend not to be in the open air. Labor Inspectorate urged employers in the hottest time of day to stop working. According to the Ministry of Environment, the high temperature will continue until 11 August. In Baku and Absheron the temperature will be + 35 + 39 degrees, in  regions of the country +35 to + 40 degrees, in some places up to 42 degrees.-03B-

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