The official newspaper Azerbaijan calls statements published in the opposition press about the future of the economy of the country “scary stories”. It criticizes the opposition press, encouraging it to be more careful and tactful.
Azadlig writes that the external debt of Azerbaijan in January of this year reached 11 billion manats, which is 20% of GDP, the expert Mammad Talibli said.
66% of foreign loans were taken in dollars and will have to be returned at the current rate. Most of the loans were in such monopolists as Azerishyg and Azersu.
Echo writes that struggle with currency speculation in Azerbaijan is arranged badly. Only in Baku of the total volume of foreign exchange transactions 5-6% are illegal. Speculators distort the official exchange rate up to 5%, the expert Nariman Agayev said. He also believes this turnover already means corruption.
Yeni Musavat: The expert Rashad Hasanov believes that at the current economic slowdown pressure on businesses may rise. And this is despite the fact that entrepreneurs are already under market pressure.
Commenting on the 14% growth of revenues from customs included in the state budget, the expert says this income decreased 50% in January.
This year there is decrease in imports and it is wrong to expect increase in the customs revenues. –0--
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