Despite the leading theme of the papers is a crisis in the country and its consequences, the main official newspaper "Azerbaijan" considers that the well thought independent policy is carried out in the country.
"Azadlig" published the speech of the Chairman of the State Committee for Property Ali Hasanov in the village of Guzanliduring the meeting with the IDPs from Aghdam, Lachin, Khojaly and Khojavand. He said that the crisis did not particularly revealed itself in Azerbaijan. The newspaper believes that a statement, at least, is an offense in relation to living in poverty of these people.
Apparently, the crisis has not touched Ali Hasanov, and people like him, because they do not have the problems that ordinary people have, especially IDPs.
"The authorities want to link the crisis in the country with the world's problems, but the reality is that the there is not this crisis in the country. In which oil country the currency collapsed by 130%? In which country almost half the population is in debt? In which country the cost of goods has risen by 30-40%?," the newspaper asks.
"Exo" writes about the presence of the only shelter for the homeless "Sisters of Mother Teresa" in Baku, but it is not a state shelter, and there are not such shelters in Baku. Currently there are 25 homeless people in the sheleter. The shelter does not accept aggressive people, and the age does not matter. There work volunteers from different countries, but not from Azerbaijan. The shelter helps homeless people with documents, because most do not have them. There they are fed, watered, kept clean. Lawyer Ramiz Aliyev argues that the legislation of Azerbaijan has serious gaps regarding issues of registration of homeless people.
"New Times" published an article about the increase in the number of suicides in the country. During the 10 days of February 12 people committed suicide, including all age categories of citizens, this phenomenon has become almost ordinary. Among the suicides increase in the number of those who owes the bank.
"Yeni Musavat" writes about the growth of crime. Polls have shown that the cause of this phenomenon in the lack of education and social issues.
"Bizim Yol" published the statement of the representative of the World Bank Larissa Leshchenkova, saying d at the Fifth Tax Forum in Baku, that the WB will always be in partnership with Azerbaijan. According to her, the WB wants to help develop the economy of Azerbaijan. In her opinion, it is necessary to deal with the risks that threaten the economy and economic reform is necessary, in particular, tax reform for the development of small and medium-sized businesses.
"There are a variety of data on the presence of the shadow economy in Azerbaijan, from 32 to 50%. In countries affected by the crisis, increased economic control. On the other hand, taxpayers are beginning to look for ways to circumvent the payment of higher taxes. It is important to simplify the tax to support the business, she said.
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