Sheikh calles on Sunnis and Shiites to adjust the time of azan

This year the holy month of  Ramadan  will come to Azerbaijan on July 10, according to the fatwa  of the Caucasian Muslims Board (CMB.)

Taking into account  the difference between the azan (morning and evening), between the Sunnis and the Shiites  12 minutes, the head of CMO Sheykhulsilam Allashukur Pashazade proposed Sunnis  to pray  six minutes later, and the Shiites - 6 minutes earlier.

The fatwa also said that the sermons in the mosques should  make only Akhunds appointed  by the CMD. Sheikh  called on akhunds  to be "selective" in granting permission  for   the treat –Ehsan in mosques.

"Some make iftar-dinner not in the name of Allah, but for self-promotion,"  said Pashazade.

Because 2013th year is an election year, Sheikh  called on akhunds   not to  allow  to use the faithful "as a tool in someone else's hands."

At the same time, he  called on the believers to be active in the election.

"I do not say vote for someone, but  take active part in the elections," said Pashazade.

As for the  amount of donations - Fitra, this year it will be  within  three or five manat per person. –05C06--


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