Məmməd İbrahim. Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Məmməd İbrahim. Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/08.08.20/Turan: On August 7, the Baku Court of Appeal considered a complaint about the arrest of a member of the Presidium of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) Mamed Ibrahim.

He was brought to criminal responsibility in connection with the "Karabakh action" on July 15.

Mammad Ibrahim was charged under Article 186.2.1 (intentional destruction or damage to property with causing major damage to the victim), Article 233 (organization of actions that contribute to the violation of public order or active participation in such actions), Article 315.1 (resistance or use of violence against a government official) and 278.1. (Actions aimed at violent seizure of power ...) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan, for which the activist faces up to 20 years in prison.

By the decision of the Nasimi District Court, a preventive measure in the form of an arrest for a period of 4 months was chosen against him.

In the court of appeal, Mammad Ibrahim stated that his arrest was groundless and unlawful. He noted that he did not participate at all in the action on July 14-15 and did not send anyone to this demonstration, did not incite anyone to any illegal actions.

Despite the defense's arguments that there was no reliable evidence of the activist's guilt, the court dismissed the complaint.

In matters relating to the choice of a preventive measure or its appeal, the court of appeal is the highest instance, the lawyer of the arrested Mammad Ibrahim explained to Turan.

Therefore, the domestic mechanisms for appealing against arrest have been exhausted and the defense will appeal to the ECHR.

Mustafayev noted that the defense will continue other legal steps to release Ibrahim from custody and will submit a petition to the court of first instance to change the measure of restraint to house arrest.

Mustafayev noted that Ibrahim maintains good spirits, has no complaints about the conditions of detention and treatment.

However, Mamed Ibrahim is worried about the fate of his son Mehdi Ibrahimov, who was also arrested after the July 15 rally. –06В-


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