Windy weather expected in Baku on Sunday

Windy weather expected in Baku on Sunday

Variable cloudiness is expected in Baku and Absheron Peninsula on Sunday, 15 December, occasionally cloudy, mostly without precipitation.

North-west wind will change to occasionally strengthening south-west wind in the afternoon. Air temperature at night will be from 1° frost to 2° warm, in the daytime 4-8° warm, reports the National Hydro-meteorological Service under the Ministry of Ecology of Azerbaijan.

Weather is expected to be mainly without precipitation in the regions of Azerbaijan. Fog is expected at times in some areas, west wind will increase in gusts

Air temperature will be 1-6° frost at night, 4-8° warm in the daytime, 8-13° at night in the mountains, 17-22° frost in the highlands, 5-10° frost in the daytime.

According to forecasters, on Sunday night there is a probability of ice on some suburban areas of Baku and upland parts of the capital.

Ice is also expected on mountain roads.

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