Azərbaycan Prezidenti Administrasiyası

Azərbaycan Prezidenti Administrasiyası

To the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Mr. Ilham Aliyev

An investigation and trial against my brother Hajiyev Jahangir has been lasting for four years.  At this time, the fifth trial is being held in the court of appeal. For four years, my brother and his lawyers have been asking the investigation and the courts to submit at least one fact of the appropriation of money. Over the years, neither the investigating authorities, nor the five courts have brought any evidence of the guilt of my brother Hajiyev Jahangir, since there are simply no facts of misappropriation. Hundreds of witnesses in these cases did not testify on the appropriation of money by Jahangir.

During this time, everything happened against the backdrop of falsified actions on the part of “Agrarkredit”, whose leadership is engaged in personal enrichment, for which there are numerous facts. At present, they are confiscating the only place of residence of Jahangir, which is fundamentally contrary to the country's constitution.

Dear Mr. President! By your decree, amendments were made to the Articles 179.3.1, 179.3.2 and 308.2.

The term for the convicts under these Articles were reduced in 2017. However, with regard to Hajiyev Jahangir this is not fulfilled, as the Ministry of Justice opposes this. The Ministry of Justice, for a year and a half, has a ban on telephone conversations of Jahangir and he cannot even talk to his children whom he has not seen for 5 years. I also want to bring to your attention that I, Hajiyeva Amina, for four years cannot get the right to inherit property of my mother who died in 2015. All the courts and the BTI make it clear that the order is verbally issued by the leadership of the Ministry of Justice.

Mr. President! I ask for your help and protection. I ask you to instruct to investigate fairly the case of Jahangir Hajiyev. I sincerely believe in your fair decision.

With deep respect, Hajiyeva Amin


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