Armenian perversion and vandalism are world famous and doomed to failure

The most accurate and hard-hitting witness to the history is the language. It should be stressed that names of many places, toponyms on the land of Artsakh – Karabakh and present-day Armenia, on vast territories of the state of Urartu are identical to originate from the modern Chechen language.

I have to tell the truth because Armenians are faking out the Chechen history of «Nakhchi-Nakhchivan» with a view of taking all the credit to themselves. These falsifiers are eager to remake a name of Nakhchivan.

It should be noted that toponyms going back to B.C. on lands of present-day Armenia and Artsakh-Karabakh are meaningful in the Chechen language only: the lands mentioned above formed a part of the Chechen state Urartu-Nakhchmat.

It is important to note that «Nakhchivan» is precisely translated from Chechen as «a country of Chechens»: «nakhchi» – Chechens, «van» – a vast space. A coin «Nakhchi» was minted in the town of Nakhchivan 3700 years ago, and May God help us to recreate our ancient coin. Note that an initial name of Karabakh «Artsakh–Varanda» is meaningful in the Chechen language only: a word «Artsakh» means a barrow or small hills; «Varanda» – a live Chechen tayip. There is still an ancient Chechen village Varanda in Artsakh (the village of  Big Varanda today is in the Shatoi district of Chechnya). Also, in the Chechen language the town of Shusha means a town on the slope; «kert» is a fence.

Added to the above is that a lot of other toponyms of populated localities are meaningful in the Chechen language only. There are no ancient toponyms in the Armenian language for the sheer fact that lands of Karabakh have never been owned by Armenians: the latter are comparative newcomers in the region.

It must be conceded that names of all ancient towns, fortresses, villages, waters, temples on the territory of present-day Armenia go back to the Chechen language. Suffice it to quote some of them.

It is worth reminding that a fortress of Teishebaini – «Hurrian-Urartu» is an ancient fortress-city of the state of Urartu in its waning years. Note that Teishebaini was founded in the 7 century B. C. by Tsar Rus II. Names Rus I and Rus II are names of the dynasty of Chechen-Hurrian tsars. Neither Russians nor Armenians bear relation to the Urartu dynasty of Rus and Etruscan. For some time past, there are persons in Russia and Armenia that groundlessly ascribe the dynasties mentioned above to their own history. The point is that there Russians were mentioned in the days of old. The same is true of Armenians who had first appeared on these lands in 1828 only after Russians gave them these lands. Ruins of Teishebaini are located on a hill of Karir-Blur, in the environs of modern Yerevan.  The name of the fortress is translated solely in the Chechen language as follows: «tesha» means trust, «baini» – trust lost».

It has to be added that a name of the fortress Arinberdna means in the Chechen language as follows: «Arin» – a vast space, a valley; «Berd» –a hill, an eminence; a fortress of Erebuni– «Аri, ere» – a space, a valley; «buni» – a building, a residence, a fortress of Amberd– «Аm» -a water reservoir, «berd» – a hill, an eminence.

It should be remembered that the world famous temple of Garni, an excellent example of the world architecture is located on a flat eminence and clearly visible from all sides, hence its name in the language of Nokhchi-Chechens «Garni» means it is seen.

"Ergine": "Er ar-ari" – a space; "gineseen. Villages of Areni-1, Areni-2, a cave of Areni where a sensational shoe aged 6,000 years was discovered in a cave «Nеh-khekh”.

A name of the famous mineral water «Tatni» being sold by Armenia across the world is translated in the Chechen language as follows: «tat» – a noise, «ni» is a suffix of place. The spring flows from mountains to form a noisy waterfall, hence, in Chechen it means a noise of waterfall.

Also, a name of the Lake Sevan in the Chechen language means «a blue space».

It should be recognized that all ancient toponyms of Urartu that was located in the eastern part of present-day Turkey are written solely in the Hurrian- -Chechen language.

A mountain of Ara-Gats is translated in the Chechen language as «Ara» – a space, «Gats»– not seen, i. e. unseen space. Note that a relief of the mountain is characterized by the lack of space visibility at a distance of 2-3 km away.

It ought to be noted that a modern town of Erzurum in Turkey has a Chechen name of Erza. Note that many other ancient toponyms on the lands of the former state of Urartu are written exclusively in the Hurrian-Chechen language. It’ll take long to name all of them. In this respect, it’d be appropriate to remember scientifically grounded views of some world famous authors on Chechens.

Thus, well-known researcher V. P. Alekseev, like other scientists, reaffirms in his explorations that Hurrian-Urartu are both physical and linguistic ancestors of Chechens.

Renowned historian and linguist Josef Karst says that Chechens stand in stark contrast to other mountain peoples of Caucasus by their original language. They are folks of once great and ancient people that traced back in many areas of the Near East up to Egyptian borders. In his another work J.Карст qualified the Chechen language as a northern offspring of proto-language and Chechens as remnants of the primordial people.

Prominent scientist Charles William Heckethorn pointed out that ancestors of Chechens were involved in forming the human civilization in the Near East as its primary source. Hurrians, Mitanni and Urartu – all of them made their contribution to the sources of the Chechen culture.

A monograph by Constantine Tumanov titled «On Prehistoric Language of Transcaucasia» was published in Tiflis, 1913 by an office of Russian Emperor’s vicegerent to Caucasus." With reference to numerous toponyms (names of mountains, rivers, gorges, ridges, settlements and other geographical features) and data of various historical works of ancient authors, chronicles, legends, archaeological materials, etc., the author draws a firm conclusion that ancestors of Chechens were the first population on the territory of Transcaucasia up to the African continent.

Research data provided by Charles William Heckethorn, Josef Karst, Constantine Tumanov et al. make it possible to insist that many ancient towns and countries, including Sumeria, Mitanni, Urartu, etc. were founded by Nokhchi -Chechens.

It is worth reminding that Georgian archival sources univocally assert that of all Caucasian peoples it is Chechens only that are qualified as Caucasoids.

Latterly, in defiance of all expectations of Chechens, a Russian archaeologist, quoting excavation data, holds that lands of Nakhchmattian Chechens reached a modern town of Voronezh in Russia. A viral-video was made on the matter.

It is above stated data on ancient geography of Nokhchi-Nokhmatyan-Chens that sell the idea that there was an enormous world of Chechens in the B.C. period (like today’s Arab, Turkic, Slavic worlds) that survived as an ancestral, present-day Chechenia on an area just of 17000

It should be borne in mind that on the territory of modern Armenia, prior to the creation of this country by Russians in 1822, there had for 500 years been the Azerbaijani khanate destroyed by Russia, and before the khanate – Caucasian Albania. During the Nokhchi-Chechen period of Urartu there was a Chechen region of «Nakhcheria» which is translated from the Chechen language as follows: «Nokhchi» – a country; «Chechenia that at one time was a part of «Nokhchi-state» - «Urartu-Nakhchmatians». This is a clear evidence of the fact that these lands, like Artsakh-Nagorno Karabakh and lands of Eastern Turkey had never been owned by Armenians. The point is that Armenians have no historical right to these lands, nor lay any claims thereto. The state language of Urartu was Nokhchi-Nakhchmattians. An eloquent testimony to this is the fact that all Urartu cuneiform texts are written solely in the Chechen language.

Allegations that Armenians received their name from deities Ai(hаy), Hay, and the country from Haikh - Hayastan, and regions from Vaikh and Taikhа, etc. are absolutely groundless.

One cannot forget that after their migration from Balkans Armenians first appeared in a like-named valley of Chechen town of Khoy founded by a big Chechen tayip of the Chechen town of Khoy in a valley of Khayasa on Urartu lands and as new settlers began identifying themselves with a name of the valley Khаy. Note that a town of Gerger located more than 100 km away from Khoy was a town founded by two and more Chechen tayips. The very name of Gerger is translated in the Chechen language as «relatives or related». The author-falsifier was well aware of this fact, so he had to call it half-heartedly – Ger. In misconnecting it to Khoy, the author meant to link it to a word of an Armenian origin like Ger.

It ought to be noted that Chechens from tayip Khoy founded their third town – a tower complex Chichen-iitsa in Mexico aged 1200 years. A second name of the complex is Khoy – Anasazi which is translated from the Chechen language as «Ana» – a space, an expanse; «sazi, siz» as a border. Note that the town continued to our days. Also, Chechen tayip Khoy founded his first town in Vvedensk region on border between Chechnya and Dagestan.

According to extant inscriptions of walls of the building, the town turned more than 4, 000 years. At his time, Johar Dudayev got down to restoring the town. During the Russian-Chechen war of 1994-96 Russians destroyed it by bombing, for they always hated Chechens and their history. It is well known that Hayis recognize personally that their second name «Armali-Armani» is alien name and is senseless in the Hay language. It’d be appropriate here to explain the second name. Disquieted by mass colonization, «Hurrians-Nakhchmattians of Urartu» called their population not grant lands to settlers. Hence, there appeared a second, alien name of Armenians - «Armali-Armani» which mean in Chechen «not to give «space-valley-lands». Note that a root «Ar» is common-European to mean «space-valley-lands» in the Chechen language. A simple question arises: how were Armenians called before settling lands of «Nokhchi-Nakhchmattians» of Urartu.

A hateful lie of Armenians is their allegations that a principality of Matyan (Matiank, Nakhcha-Matiank) in the south of Lake Urmiya was owned by Armenians.

Allegations that «nakh» means «father, ancestor» in the Armenian language is a blatant lie. For some time past, Armenians have been engaged in fancying all kinds of things in an attempt to arrogate all the Chechen or, at least, join Chechen roots. A word – «vay» is not related to any notorious deity – Ai(Hаy) means «our-we» in the Chechen language.

It must be acknowledged that Hurrians populated around Lake Urmia called

themselves as «Nokhchi-Nakhchmattians».

Also, Sumeria, Urartu, Hurrian, Assyria and other ancient peoples were called «Nokhchmats». Note that first generations of «Noakh-Noah» - Nokhchi founded a proto-Caucasian state nearly on the whole territory of Caucasus.

 Note that «Nokhchi-Nakhchmattians» makes no sense in the Armenian language and is translated in the Chechen language as «Noahian people», «Noah is the name of Noah». Even ancient Armenians were the first to link a native name of Chechens «Noakhchi» with a name of prophet «Noakh-Noah». In other words, Hurrians are «Nokhchi-Nakhchmattians» a part of whom resettled from the proto-Caucasian state who is known to name themselves for millenniums as «Nokhchi- Nakhchmattian» in the east and Western Asia. What Hurrians of the Chechen states of Urartu, Mitanni, as well as historians, geographers, Assyrian and Greek scholars in the second half of the I millennium called Mattiana and Nakhchi-Matitana is illustrative of the fact that Hurrians of Urartu and Mitanni were «Nokhchi - Nakhchmattians», i. e. Chechens.

There is a further point to be made is that Y-chromosomal haplogroup-J2 in the Caucasus is observed among more than 90% of Chechens. (Ancient and modern names of «Kortvats» in the eastern part of Turkey where Kurds reside are translated into the Chechen language only:  «kort» – a head; «vats» – no. The mountains have equal heights all through. As distinct from other heights, there is not a single height to be established by the headmost one. For this reason, «Nokhchi-Hurrians» called these mountains «kortvats», i. e. «headless». It should be added that no ancestors of Armenians had ever lived in Alshe, they lived in the Balkans. Also, Alshe-Alshe-Alashye is translated in the Chechen language as care-protect.

It has to be kept I mind that Alshe was a strategic region of «Nokhchi-Hurrian» of the Mitanni empire in its heyday.

Allegations of the Armenian historiographer G. Alishan that «Nokhchi-Nakhchmattians» are lifelike with Armenians, including their adats, ceremonies, dances, harmonious songs, offerings, etc., are blatant lie. There is no such thing. There is nothing like it used to be.

Suffice it to say that the Ararat upland was groundlessly renamed into the Armenian upland for the simple reason that Russians settled Armenians down there in 1828.

Well-known scientist, historian and linguist V. L. Velichko writes in his scientific work: Armenians are people whose origin is not clarified. Pages of the Armenian history reveal that Armenians as nomads never had their own state, nor Smaller or Greater Armenia; never had their historical land geography. It was no mere coincidence vice-speaker of the Russian State Duma Zhirinovsky called a spade a spade as saying that Armenians are nomads. The modern Armenian state has recently been created by Russians of which some of them are having regrets now.

Below-cited is a brief fragment from Ingvar Ryurikson’s article, Russian expert in South Caucasus: All fine and dandy but if the Russian patriotism of Armenians would be sincere.

In the meanwhile, Armenians lay claims not only to small Crimea but vast territories of South Russia as well.

Let’s start with a small story. Some time ago, my Armenian opponent offered me a brilliant idea to write an article about the Armenian perversion of the Russian history. We are accustomed to the fact that «Armenian brothers» are stealing all that lie in temptation’s way. In so doing, they have already misappropriated a greater portion of the Azerbaijani history; they are having a grudge against the Georgian history even despite Georgians’ resistance; to say nothing of Turkey: its history, especially ancient one, has wholly been monopolized by Armenian «historians».

Until the time comes, I hoped, like many Russians, that Russia and broadly speaking Ruthenia, has contrived to get away with it. Much to my regret, I was wrong, for expansionist plans of Armenians are running far beyond a plot of land once granted, due to misunderstanding, by the Russian-imperial and then the Soviet government to Armenians. As a consequence, Armenians are at liberty to raise an advertising banner over their plot of land titled «Armenia».

It should be added that over the past century of the Russian Empire the Armenian diasphora arranged dirty tricks in stirring up war conflicts jointly with participation of Russia. First of all, these included numerous Russian-Turkish and Russian-Persian wars, especially as Armenians shouted at the top of their voice about the necessity of heavy-handed actions where it was possible to settle the conflict amicably.

While in the imperial and Soviet time the Armenian falsetto sounded in a chorus of adequate jingoistic speeches that cost Russians enormous economic and human losses, in the new Russia the Armenian diasphora has actually monopolized the patriotic Russian propaganda. The point is about a deliberate purchase of existing and creation of new mass communication media by the Russian Armenian capital, i. e. finances misappropriated by Armenian swindlers in Russia and seizure of TV-, other top administrative positions at Russian mass media, to say nothing of journalism specialties, etc.

Statements made by Ingvar Ryurikson and others reveal that this people bearing, according to Velichko, the multifaceted name of «Аrmali», makes much sense in the Chechen language only.

The incredible thing is that Russia with its great material, human and financial losses at the international arena allows Armenians and Ossetians of being pushed around; assisting them in sleazy political methods, illegal and ungrounded claims to Azerbaijani, Turkish, Chechen and Georgian lands.

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