Rachel Denbe: Dear Leyla,

It’s your birthday today and like countless other people I wish I could celebrate it in person with you. It pains me to imagine you in a prison cell, when for decades you’ve been a tireless fighter for those who have been unjustly jailed or otherwise deprived of rights in Azerbaijan. I will light candles today to celebrate your birthday. I hope that thousands of people around the world will do the same. 

For more than two decades your work has been inspiring and your dedication to justice contagious. And what an honor it’s been to work with you. Whether we were trying to get justice for torture victims, or doing the painstaking work of proving one or another criminal case was politically motivated, or documenting unlawful evictions and home demolitions, you have always been a tireless campaigner for justice.  Those prisoners and their families, those families who were evicted, those torture victims—I am sure they always remember what you’ve done for them. I am sure that on your birthday, their thoughts are with you, your passion for justice, your generosity, your kindness.

You should know that countless people around the world are fighting for your freedom. We know the charges against you are groundless.  We won’t stop until you and Arif and all of the others are free.

You are more courageous than any of us.

Your friend and colleague,

Rachel Denber

Deputy Director

Europe and Central Asia division

Human Rights Watch

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