Azerbaijan lacks qualified staff, said Alexei Reshtenko, general manager of Microsoft, responsible for the development of new markets in the Caucasus, Central Asia, Belarus and Moldova.
The interview ( is on this topic.
In the mentioned region there are 10 countries where piracy has one of the highest rates in the world. The situation is improving, because it is changing the very scheme of the users of services and software. Private users purchase computers and laptops already preloaded with the operating system Windows. Office applications are either already installed, or they can be purchased by downloading via the Internet. The situation with the licensed software is changing, and we must simply look for tools, how to convey to people that there are specific ways to buy that do not beat him on the pocket and avoid problems in the future.
Microsoft has very attractive offers, not only for ordinary users. It actively works in the commercial sector, especially with the large companies. Software is their assets with which they create their own products to sell, serve customers, and carry out other activities. An important role in the fight against piracy also plays the signing of major corporate agreements with a number of government organizations and private companies. The positive side is also the launch of the Baku organization Business Software Alliance (BSA). Its help in informing about the risks arising from use of unlicensed software in our regions is invaluable.
At the beginning of the century in Russia the piracy rate was 93%, now - 68%. Azerbaijan, where government agencies and government play an important role in licensing, too, can achieve a decline in piracy. Also, should assist and large customers from the corporate sector who work with us at Rada license agreements. After all, these agreements imply the fact that the employees of these entities are able to get the software used by the enterprise, and to their home computers for a nominal fee. That is, the lost sense to use pirated software. The approximate cost of audit services in the form of a quotation may finally take shape only after reviewing the documents, depending on the individual needs of the client. And that's not all initiatives by Microsoft in this area. For example, an agreement under which the licensed school computers, also implies that teachers are able to use at home licensed software is absolutely free. We give users the chance to become law-abiding and avoid possible problems that brings with unlicensed software.
- I have no complaints of the activities of partners in Azerbaijan. At the moment we have 3 gold and 5 silver partners in your country, as well as two training centers. Relationships with partners - is an important part of the work, more will be partners in the market, they will be more qualified staff who will be able to introduce and promote our technology on the basis of their decisions, the better the climate of the market. We are now also starting to develop a direction to work with the end user, and I think the prospects are very large.
As for the training and subsequent certification of users, then it is a very interesting topic that we are actively discussing during my visits to Baku. In principle, there is a shortage of qualified professionals. And the role of training centers in this regard is very important.
We launched the program in Azerbaijan Microsoft IT-Academy and began to carry out the work in this direction together with the Ministry of Education. The first project has already been implemented in Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University, working to expand the program to the Baku Higher Petroleum School, the Universities Odlar Yurdu and Khazar, as well as other universities. Shortage of specialists must be overcome because such a factor strongly inhibits the development of the market. And it is not necessary nor Microsoft, nor our partners. All solutions require considerable impact and by the management of universities, but I am sure that they, these proposals should be interesting.
"I see the IT Academy created in the country, according to the presidential decree, a major instrument in terms of training of qualified and competent personnel. In Microsoft want those initiatives that we have in the field of education, the development of additional educational technology for the construction work within the university, were used with the full benefit of your country," said Reshtenko. - 17D-
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