Foreign currencies rates fixed by Central Bank
1 ABŞ dollar |
usd |
1,7 |
1 Avro |
eur |
1,7864 |
1 Avstraliya dollar |
aud |
1,0908 |
1 Belarus rublu |
byn |
0,4961 |
1 Bolqarıstan levi |
bgn |
0,9132 |
1 BƏƏ dirhəmi |
aed |
0,4628 |
100 Cənubi Koreya vonu |
krw |
0,1187 |
1 Çexiya kronu |
czk |
0,0712 |
1 Çin yuanı |
cny |
0,2341 |
1 Danimarka kronu |
dkk |
0,2396 |
1 Gürcü larisi |
gel |
0,6007 |
1 Honq Konq dollar |
hkd |
0,2186 |
1 Hindistan rupisi |
inr |
0,02 |
1 İngilis funt sterlinqi |
gbp |
2,1703 |
10000 İran rialı |
irr |
0,0385 |
1 İsveç kronu |
sek |
0,1552 |
1 İsveçrə frankı |
chf |
1,923 |
1 İsrail şekeli |
ils |
0,4756 |
1 Kanada dollar |
cad |
1,2017 |
1 Küveyt dinarı |
kwd |
5,5272 |
100 Qazaxıstan tengəsi |
kzt |
0,3257 |
1 Qətər rialı |
qar |
0,4662 |
1 Qırğız somu |
kgs |
0,0196 |
100 Macarıstan forinti |
huf |
0,4359 |
1 Moldova leyi |
mdl |
0,0931 |
1 Norveç kronu |
nok |
0,1528 |
100 Özbək somu |
uzs |
0,0132 |
100 Pakistan rupisi |
pkr |
0,6115 |
1 Polşa zlotısı |
pln |
0,4184 |
1 Rumıniya leyi |
ron |
0,3596 |
100 Rusiya rublu |
rub |
1,6079 |
1 Serbiya dinarı |
rsd |
0,0153 |
1 Sinqapur dollar |
sgd |
1,2654 |
1 Səudiyyə Ərəbistanı rialı |
sar |
0,4524 |
1 SDR (BVF-nin xüsusi borcalma hüquqları) |
xdr |
2,2328 |
1 Türk lirəsi |
try |
0,0487 |
1 Türkmənistan manatı |
tmt |
0,4857 |
1 Ukrayna qrivnası |
uah |
0,0408 |
100 Yapon yeni |
jpy |
1,1169 |
1 Yeni Zelandiya dollar |
nzd |
0,9871 |
1 t.u. qızıl |
xau |
4611,25 |
1 t.u. gümüş |
xag |
54,5132 |
1 t.u. platin |
xpt |
1611,371 |
1 t.u. palladium |
xpd |
1688,593 |
Rising prices for electricity, natural gas and heat in Azerbaijan since the beginning of this year may have a significant impact on annual inflation at the level of 0.51 %.
The Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA) forecasts that an average price of a barrel of oil in the world market in 2025 will be $77.3, and the price of 1000 cubic metres of natural gas - $349.
The Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA) forecasts that by the end of 2025 the country's economic growth will be 3.3 %, including the production of gross domestic product (GDP) in the non-oil and gas sector to grow by 5.2 %.
According to updated forecasts of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA), annual inflation is expected to be about 5.5 % in 2025 and about 3.8 % in 2026.This is reported on the CBA's website.
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