Even the “Yeni Azerbaijan” party does not have enough opportunities for agitation and propaganda activities

More than 25,000 observers have been registered in Azerbaijan to observe the upcoming early presidential elections on February 7. The registration of observers will last until January 28. Although most of the registered observers are reportedly local, some structures that distinguished themselves in previous elections by their critical reports are not represented among the organizations that will monitor the elections. What is the reason?

The Central Election Commission (CEC) has published information on paid election campaigning. The report indicates that 44 appeals from the media were received and satisfied for conducting election campaigning on a paid basis. Is paid campaigning available for candidates? Which candidates' electoral fund allows them to use it, and which ones do not?

Is it a violation of the rules of propaganda and agitation to cover in the media the visit of the presidential candidate, the head of state to the regions, his participation in presentations, meetings with the people?

ASTNA asked Mammad Mammadzade,  the chairman of the Alliance for Election Observation,  to clarify these issues.

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Question: Among the organizations that will conduct monitoring, there are some structures that drew attention to themselves in the previous elections with their critical reports. What is the reason? Is it that the elections caught them by surprise, their weakening and difficult financial situation after the changes made to the legislation on non-governmental organizations (NGOs), or in showing caution in the current conditions, a retreat?

Answer: About 5,000 observers from pro-government NGOs were accredited in the last elections, and this year there will be approximately the same numbers.  On February 7, the CEC has already registered a coalition of 3 pro-government NGOs to monitor the early presidential elections.

The Central Election Commission does not register independent NGOs to monitor elections. In addition, after the changes and restrictions introduced in the legislation on NGOs in 2014, the human and financial resources of independent NGOs have significantly weakened.

In addition, according to local human rights monitoring organizations, there are 254 political prisoners in the country. In such political conditions, independent citizens refrain from participating in elections.

Question: 44 appeals were received and provided by the media for conducting election campaigning on a paid basis. Is it available for candidates to use paid campaigning?

Answer: In modern world practice, candidates mainly use social media platforms to communicate with voters. In Azerbaijan, the presidential elections of 2013 saw the active participation of candidates in social networks. In the current elections, the participation of candidates in social networks is rather weak. There are 4-5 channels in the country for an average and elderly audience of voters, the rest are newspapers and various websites that do not have a wide audience of voters. At the same time, prices on TV channels are not available for presidential candidates.

If an assessment is carried out, it will be found that the presidential candidate will have to pay about 1 million manats for daily (for 22 days) 10-minute campaigning during rush hour on three TV channels, which is equal to the amount of his salaries for 7 years. None of the presidential candidates has such a large amount in the election fund. If we compare the elections in the country with neighboring Georgia and Armenia, then larger sums are allocated for elections in both countries. The allocation of such funds in the electoral fund of the ruling Yeni Azerbaijan party only for media propaganda and campaigning increases suspicions of the use of administrative resources.

Question: Why is paid campaigning not available? What is the purpose of this?

Answer: The ruling “Yeni Azerbaijan” Party has been pursuing a policy of depoliticization in the country for many years. There is still a ban on appearances of opposition political parties on TV channels. Last year, the total budget of political parties in Azerbaijan exceeded 30 million manats. However, a closer look at the figures reveals a trend of financial discrimination.

The current situation in political parties with large electorates is as follows:

“Yeni Azerbaijan” Party  -27 million manats

The Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan  - 0 manats

The “Musavat” party has 10 thousand manats.

The government, in fact, depriving such multiparties as “Musavat” and the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan of financial resources, actually disqualifies them from participating in the country's most important elections - the presidential elections.

The main goal is to ensure, as in Russia, the long-term preservation of power by weakening alternative political groups.

Question: Which candidate's election fund allows campaigning, and which one does not?

Answer: The electoral fund of none of the presidential candidates allows this. Even the budget of the “Yeni Azerbaijan” party, which has been in power for 20 years, is insufficient to conduct campaigning at the national level in the country. For technical candidates, this is due to limited financial resources, and the ruling party mostly uses administrative resources.

Question: Is it a violation of the rules of propaganda and agitation to cover in the media the visit of the presidential candidate, the head of state to the regions, his participation in presentations, meetings with the people?

Answer: The head of the country is also a presidential candidate, the “Yeni Azerbaijan” Party is conducting a well-organized and well-funded campaign on behalf of the current president, the events of the “Yeni Azerbaijan” party are widely covered by the press. The President continues to fulfill his official duties, makes many trips around the country, and also receives a large number of high-ranking international representatives. By conducting its campaign, the “Yeni Azerbaijan” party is abusing administrative resources in its interests.

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