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Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/11.05.23/Turan: The SU-25 aircraft of the Azerbaijani Air Force have been successfully integrated with the Winged Guidance Kit developed by the Turkish military complex. Successful launches of "smart bombs" using this system were carried out during the Anatolian Eagle - 2023 exercises taking place in Turkey,the material of the columnist of the state  TRT TV channel Sertach Aksal.

The Winged Navigator (WGK), developed by TÜBITAK-SAGE, turns the MK-82 and MK-83 general-purpose unguided bombs into long-range air-to-ground intelligent ammunition. The range of these bombs is usually 10-15 kilometers, but after installing the WKG, they can cover a distance of up to 110 kilometers when dropped from a high altitude.

Turkish companies have also upgraded the electronics of Azerbaijani Su-25 aircraft. Thus, by increasing the service life of aircraft and integrating them with various weapons systems of NATO standards, the material says. -02B-

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