Disabled Activist Famil Khalilov on Day 71 of Hunger Strike in Pretrial Detention

Disabled Activist Famil Khalilov on Day 71 of Hunger Strike in Pretrial Detention

The health of Famil Khalilov, a first-group disabled activist who has been on a hunger strike for 71 days in pretrial detention, remains severe,  his wife, Kichikhanum Khalilova said. “Famil's legs have failed him, and his stomach can’t retain water; he vomits everything. He is experiencing intense pain in his stomach and head. Famil said that his whole body aches. Despite my and our children's pleas, he refuses to end his hunger strike. He will only stop if he is placed under house arrest,” said Khalilova.

Attempts to obtain comments from the Penitentiary Service were unsuccessful. However, the agency typically asserts that the rights and legal interests of all detainees are protected according to the law.

Famil Khalilov, who has paralyzed hands, was detained on May 2 under charges under the Article 234.4.3 of the Criminal Code (manufacturing, transporting, and storing drugs in large quantities with the intent to sell). He has been sentenced to four months of imprisonment, with this Aarticle stipulating a prison term of 5 to 12 years. His relatives claim that the true reason for his detention is his critical social media posts regarding the authorities.

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