Peace treaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia: the ball game continues

Peace treaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia: the ball game continues

Armenian Parliament Speaker Alain Simonyan stated that there are no delays in signing a peace treaty with Azerbaijan, following a meeting with American senators in Yerevan. "The ball is on Azerbaijan's side in this matter," Simonyan remarked during a briefing.

Simonyan also noted that the coordination of work regulations for the Armenian and Azerbaijani delimitation and demarcation commissions is proceeding smoothly. "The process is ongoing, we hope for success," he added, avoiding detailed comments.

Simonyan's statements are among the most optimistic from Armenian and Azerbaijani politicians regarding the prospects of a peace treaty between the two nations, which have engaged in conflict twice over the past 30 years. However, Simonyan's assertion of "no problems" raises questions: does this pertain only to the Armenian side, or to Azerbaijan as well?

The core issue lies in the stance of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, who has twice declared that a peace treaty will not be signed until Armenia amends its Constitution to eliminate references to the Act of Independence, which claims Azerbaijani territory.

Armenia's response to this demand has been ambiguous. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has spoken about the necessity of a constitutional referendum but has not provided concrete steps or a timeline. Meanwhile, Armenia's radical revanchist opposition firmly rejects any discussion of removing the anti-Azerbaijani Act of Independence. In this context, Simonyan's assertion of no issues appears perplexing.

The differing positions and lack of concrete actions suggest that significant hurdles remain before a peace treaty can be realized.

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