Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/18.05.23/Turan: In connection with the next anniversary of the May 2006 events, when the Iranian authorities brutally suppressed the protests of ethnic Azerbaijanis in Tabriz, posters condemning the actions of the Tehran regime have been distributed. On May 12, 2006, the official newspaper "Iran" published a cartoon insulting ethnic Azerbaijanis – citizens of this country.

This caused an angry reaction and mass protests. Security forces brutally suppressed Azerbaijani demonstrations in Tehran, Zanjan, Tabriz, Urmia, Ardabil, Akhar, Hamadan, Kaleybar, Mugan, Miyan, Marag, Khoy, Salmas, Hiyava, Goshchachay, Sulduz, and Maranda. According to some reports, about 30 people were killed as a result.

Every year, Azerbaijanis in Iran and abroad mark the anniversary of these events with demonstrations and actions commemorating the victims of the Iranian regime. On the eve of the demonstration scheduled for May 20 in Berlin, posters in support of the action in Berlin were distributed in memory of those events in Tabriz, Bonab, Goshachay, Marag and other cities of Iran, the Voice of South Azerbaijan Internet resource reports.

The demonstration in Berlin will be organized by representatives of the Turkic peoples of Iran – Azerbaijanis, Hashkai, Khorasan and Turkmen Turks. The rally will be held under the slogan: "Freedom, justice, national government!" A demonstration under similar slogans was held in Brussels. ---06B---

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