Артур Товмасян

Артур Товмасян

Baku/18.05.23/Turan: "The Speaker of the Karabakh Parliament" Artur Tovmasyan proposed to create a "state defense committee" in Karabakh. According to an Armenian media report, he turned to "President" Araik Harutyunyan with such a proposal. Tovmasyan made such a proposal at today's session of the "parliament", which supported this idea.

According to Tovmasyan, Ruben Vardanyan and Samvel Babayan should be included in the future State Defense Committee. Otherwise, Tovmasyan suggested Harutyunyan to resign or get a vote of confidence from the people. If Harutyunyan is not trusted, then Tovmasyan is ready to resign himself.

Thus, the struggle for power between the various clans in Karabakh is intensifying. Former "defense Minister" Samvel Babayan openly stated that he wants to become a "state minister" and held a rally of his supporters in Khankyandi on Wednesday.

Former "state Minister" Ruben Vardanyan urges Yerevan not to remain indifferent to the fate of the Armenians of Karabakh and to support their struggle for "liberation". Separatist leader Araik Harutyunyan is rushing between Moscow and Yerevan, hoping that Russia will take Karabakh under its protectorate.

In the near future, a change of power or an armed confrontation between various clans should be expected in Karabakh. --02B--

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