Richard Kauzlarich

Richard Kauzlarich

Baku/12.08.23/Turan: Former US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Richard Kauzlarich (1994-1997) has supported the idea of imposing sanctions against officials in Azerbaijan involved in the persecution of prominent economist and oppositionist Gubad Ibadoglu.

His opinion was published in "The Washington Post", which had already condemned Ibadoglu's arrest in an editorial on 7 August, calling for sanctions against Azerbaijani state officials.

"These illegal actions by the Baku regime outrage me for two reasons. Firstly, the arrest violated his fundamental rights and caused physical harm to him and his wife. 

Second, this incident is part of a longstanding pattern of harassment against anyone who expresses their basic right to criticise the autocratic kleptocracy ruling Azerbaijan," Kauzlarich writes.

"Making up 'crimes' (in this case "currency manipulations") against political opponents; forcibly arresting the 'criminal'; insulting and intimidating innocent family members; denying legal representation and contacts; and holding the accused in appalling prison conditions, including torture," Kauzlarich notes.

"Ibadoglu's situation requires immediate action as the authorities are depriving him of medication needed to treat him for several serious illnesses. International media attention is important to highlight these unacceptable human rights violations. Statements from the US Embassy and the State Department calling for Mr Ibadoglu's release have been ignored. 

His life is at risk. It is time for decisive action. It is time to sanction the Azerbaijani officials responsible for his unlawful arrest and continued detention. 

We have done so in the case of Russian officials. Azerbaijani authorities are acting with impunity. The United States must take the lead and show that there are consequences for continued human rights violations," concludes R. Kauzlarich. -0-

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