Seymur Həzi. Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Seymur Həzi. Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku / 03.09.20 / Turan: About 40 PFPA activists were brought to criminal and administrative responsibility without any reason after the Karabakh action on July 15. Fabricated criminal charges have been brought against 17 activists, PFPA deputy chairman Seymour Hazi said in an interview with the Voice of America Azerbaijani service.

The action in support of the army was nationwide. The PFPA's position was that the army and the state should be supported. Therefore, the arrests of activists defy any logic,” he said.

The PFPA wages the political struggle by peaceful, democratic and legal means. Therefore, the only reason for the arrests of the PFPA activists is political, in an effort to destroy the PFPA and the National Council, as the leading opposition forces.

Despite the repressions by the authorities, it was not possible to defeat the Popular Front Party, and the party is receiving more and more support from society.

“We get quite serious support from the Azerbaijani people. I think that the government should understand that these arrests did not bring anything good to the authorities, it won nothing,” Khazi said.

He drew attention to the ongoing Internet blockade of party leader Ali Karimli since April 13. In addition, from 20:00 until the morning, his mobile phone is cut off.

These measures are aimed at isolating Karimli and limiting his contacts with society, depriving him of communication with the press. Now the quarantine regime has been relaxed and Karimli has the opportunity to leave the apartment. However, his ability to receive and freely distribute information, participate in online programs is limited. “Of course, this is very serious pressure on the leader of a political party in a member state of the Council of Europe,” Hazi said.

When asked about the attitude of the Popular Front Party to the dialogue with the presidential administration, Hazi replied that the discussions should be substantive and have a specific agenda. In particular, the subject of dialogue can be issues of human rights, freedom of assembly, electoral reform, conditions for the activities of parties.

Is the government ready for a dialogue on these topics? Answering this question, Hazi said: “Readiness for dialogue means being ready for the outcome of the dialogue. Political reforms are possible with political will. Reforms must be consistent, systematic and planned. I don't think the government is ready for this at the moment. " —16D-


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