A middle class that is the most reliable voters in the presidential election, has been formed in Azerbaijan for 20 years of its independence , said chairman of the political movement REAL Ilgar Mamedov in his interview with the Objective TV (obyektiv.tv).
According to Mamedov, the leading opposition parties mistakenly rely solely on the protesting electorate, not having any job or other sources of income. This approach is counterproductive.
Bureaucracy, security agencies, businesses, including private TV and other media, with the exception of the Internet, is under the control of "monarchical" team of Ilham Aliyev. Independent media and publications, surviving with difficulty, are kept under pressure.
However, the country has tens of thousands of employees of business organizations, engineers, doctors, teachers, and independent of political power. This layer of population does not accept any existing regime or systemic opposition objectively work for the durability of the current political power.
This layer is provided with steady income, but they are concerned about the future of their children, and are not so apolitical as 5-10 years ago. The number of such people is growing from year to year, and in the near future they will rely on a real candidate for presidency, Mamedov believes.
At the presidential elections next year there will be more dynamic fight than four years ago, so the Public Chamber, which may put forward a valid alternative to the current head of state, now must win the confidence of the opposition forces.
It is necessary to present to the public not only a political platform, but also the specific candidates for key state and government offices and to note their preferred qualities. Even today, the voters should be brought not only grievances of power, but also specific steps to promote democratic change in society. We need to change the entire political system. It is not perfect and has no future.
Socio-political movement REAL submitted to the Public Chamber the precise plan of reformation. "We are ready to help by our plans and findings, however, we are not going “to be under someone.” We should bring in line out tactics steps with practice and policy actions. If we see a fundamental mismatch, we will put forward own candidate for presidency," said Mamedov. -17D—
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