


-Lately information has been received in connection with Azerbaijani immigrants, especially from Germany. Some are refusing to be deported, commit suicide, some hold protests in the camps for refugees. What is going on?

Alovsat Aliyev-I regret that most of the information is unpleasant, even though what is happening in the immigration policy of Germany is favorable for the citizens of Azerbaijan and good news. For almost 30 years, serious work has been carried out in the field of labor migration. Reforms that are primarily associated with the attraction of foreigners to the labor market in Germany. Citizens of Azerbaijan may think about how take advantage of. Previously, a German citizen could not hire a citizen from a country which is not part of the EU, and for which the EU citizen claims. However, after some changes any one who speaks German can work in Germany. Besides, a foreigner who knows German as a job seeker can safely remain in Germany for six months to find a job. Germany, having opened borders for qualified professionals, has tightened laws related with refugees. There are even planned benefits for those who work and asylum seekers. It is true that some people resort to suicide, just not to return to Azerbaijan. They associate this with the problems that await them in their homeland. These are not the problems that face political activists and critics. According to German law, unacceptable is the return to Azerbaijan of people whose lives are in danger, such as persons with health problems or family members. For example, people with epilepsy, people with neuropsychiatric disorders, patients with hepatitis, due to health reasons, wheelchair users do not wish to return to Azerbaijan and spend life inside walls after seeing the lives of people with similar diagnosis in Europe, in Germany. Moreover, the lack of insurance in Azerbaijan system, makes it impossible to cure because of financial resources, so people prefer suicide. At the same time, it should be noted that not only the deportees themselves protest the deportation, but also their neighbors in Germany, labor staff in which they work, school groups where they study. However, the Azerbaijani press does not write about such positive moments. At the root of these events, of course, is the misinformation of the population. Most of the visitors from Azerbaijan abroad do not even know the requirements of Dublin agreement. They do not even know such concepts as refugee status, tolerance, are not aware enough about the expected danger of deportation to their homeland. I believe, that European embassies in Azerbaijan, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Local NGOs, in order to control the situation and inform the public, should consider the question of creating a hotline called the Migration Information Center or under some other more appropriate name. The government of Azerbaijan should render support another reason is the lack of a hotline at the embassies. In know dozens of people in Germany whom the German government offers job, and asks to submit a passport to enter into an employment contract. However, the Azerbaijani Embassy in Germany does not issue passport. Passport is not issued to even to those who study full-time abroad. Such moments create a nervous tension in people that ends with a rally or protest. We plan to create a hotline in Germany in the near future. Currently negotiations are continuing with the embassy of Azerbaijan and the diaspora committee.

-In fact, those who want to get asylum in Europe are not only political activists and journalists. Most of the migrants migrate out of the country in some ways. How many Azerbaijanis have recently emigrated? Who is most of them? How can ordinary people get there? Why are they so eager to emigrate from the country?

-I will give the statistics of recent years. In 2018, 2900 citizens of Azerbaijan applied for asylum in Germany. In 2017, 3030 Azerbaijanis applied to the German government for refugee status; in 2016, the number of our compatriots who applied for refugee status was 4,750. In 2015 - 1497, in 2014 - 1295 people. In comparison with Azerbaijan, even more people are turning from neighboring Armenia and Georgia to obtain refugee status. According to statistics from 2018, the number of Georgian citizens has rapidly increased. Thus, in the first two months of 2018, the number of arrivals from this country amounted to 745 people. In 2018, 398 citizens of Azerbaijan were deported from Germany. Most of them were sent home by aircraft, and 40 people by land. In view of the provision of resistance at the airport, it was not possible to deport nine people. Three people could not be expelled from the country due to health problems. In 2018, according to the Dublin Convention, 300 Azerbaijanis were deported from Germany to the Schengen countries, from where they came. Approximately 40% of them are minors. About 600 Azerbaijanis voluntarily left Germany, having been denied asylum. About 500 Azerbaijani citizens agreed to leave the country in exchange for financial assistance within the framework of the Repatriation Program implemented by the German government. In 2016, 93 Azerbaijanis were denied asylum and were deported from Germany, 87 of them were sent by air, the rest were sent to other countries. Two years ago we conducted a survey among 2,000 people, as it turned out among those who went to emigrate there are representatives of all political parties. Many former law enforcement officers, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Security Service. Some of them left the country as acting employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Security Service, the Border Guard Service, the Ministry of Justice, or could not leave the country as carriers of secret state information. Among those seeking asylum are representatives of parties close to power. For example, members of the ruling party in this issue are in third place after the PFPA and Musavat. More than 90 percent come from Azerbaijan on the basis of a visa. In view of their failure to comply with the requirements of the Dublin Agreement, more than 70 percent of those who arrived in Germany face the problem of deportation.

-There are articles in the Azerbaijani media and social networks on the migration speculation, the use of fake documents for migration. In these articles specifically or opposition political parties, or specific individuals are accused. What facts about migration speculation do you have? Are there really people involved in this business? Is there a role for opposition political parties? How do these individuals acquire fake documents?

-The legislation does not have the concept of migration speculation. There are such concepts as human trafficking, the organization of illegal migration, falsification of documents, for which criminal liability is provided. The fact of the presence of migration speculation is determined not by the media or by some persons, but by law enforcement agencies, regardless of the country. The presence of migration speculation confirms the existence of a victim of crime, the fact of causing damage must be proved. Unfortunately, such unpleasant talks abroad occur among Azerbaijanis. These conversations are very harmful and do not reflect reality. The insinuations to this theme extend also by virtue of the fact that the leaders of the opposition parties, in particular Musavat and PFPA, occupy a silent, defensive position. The primary task of any party is to protect the security, rights and freedoms of its members. PFPA and Musavat in this sense should protect their members regardless of their location. If the leader of a party protects its member, provides him with a letter of support, he must protect him to the end. Assessment of such concepts as human trafficking, trafficking in migrants is a problem of the press, the public in Azerbaijan and law enforcement agencies. The Azerbaijani press cannot blame someone for a non-existent victim, including political parties and some organizations. I have information about groups involved in the organization of illegal migration in Baku, and I voiced it more than once. I was even addressed specific victims. We tried to resolve this issue without publicity at the request of the victim. We even managed to resolve some issues. For example, I had to defend the victims of the migration trade, when an Azerbaijani fraudster took 30,000 manat from compatriot and 13,000 from another for the departure and accommodation services in Germany. We appealed to relevant authorities to investigate these facts. To investigate these facts was an appeal to the relevant authorities. Negative decision of the Münster City Court regarding Rashid Bashirov, a member of the Musavat Party, indicated that the submitted party ticket and certificate does not correspond to the satisfaction of the complaint. This is an absolutely correct expression. Refugee status cannot be granted to anyone solely because of party affiliation. A member of the party can then get asylum when he is engaged in an active party activity for which he will be subjected to persecution, which is real, and returning to his homeland threatens him with arrest or there is a real reason for arrest. Sometimes people who do not comply with these principles can easily obtain refugee status or the right of temporary residence in another country. And this causes a variety of conversations.

-Why do people want to leave Azerbaijan? Or if there is a decision on deportation, they do not want to return to the country? Why do they prefer suicide to the return?

-People want to live well, that's why they go abroad. Everyone has the right to leave the country of which he is a citizen; no one can be deprived of this right unreasonably. I repeat once again that for some political activists and individuals of certain social groups, Azerbaijan is in fact a dangerous country. Running away from danger, people do not want to return again. It should also be noted that those who commit suicide are not only those who do not want to return to Azerbaijan. Among them there are currently more of those who do not want to go to a third country. Samad Seyidov said that migrants can return to their homeland. No danger awaits them. How much do you think is right? Is there really no danger waiting for migrants in Azerbaijan? I liked this statement of Samad Seyidov from the point of view of the call for reconciliation, and I even expressed my attitude towards him. However, subsequent processes have shown that the word "danger" of Samad Seyidov needs to be analyzed in the broad sense of the word. I repeat once again, even if the president has mercy on all political activists, this will not turn Azerbaijan into a safe country for other social groups. The talk is about the danger of entrepreneurs, honest law enforcement officers, patients of a certain group, women who are exposed to violence. The list can be significantly expanded.

-In emigration, people feel free. From there, through social networks, they can say anything to the authorities, sometimes using curses. It is believed that most of these migrants intentionally or do not serve the authorities or some of its branches. Is it so?

-Freedom is also different, some are abused. Those who swear, regardless of their affiliation to a particular camp, are people who harm society. Regardless of whether they are in power or in opposition, they should not be attacked. And those who swear, and those who listen to them, will once be forced to stop.

- What should be done to prevent people from leaving the country, and migrants would easily come back?

- Among the countries of the South Caucasus, the least people go abroad from our country. It would be good if those who wish to go abroad pay more attention to the issue of integration into the society of the country in which they are going to settle. No need to think about how to stop the desire of people to emigrate abroad. It is just necessary to inform people, train specialties, prepare for integration in a certain country, so that they represent Azerbaijan abroad with love. And for this, of course, you need information and education.

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