Zardust Alizade:  the regime is incorrigible, and the opposition must be cleansed

The causes of the crisis in  Azerbaijan  is the  government, which is unable to eliminate it, said in an  interview with Turan and "Voice of America" ​political analyst  Zardusht Alizade.

"The crisis  should be eliminated not by  statements, but by cardinal reforms, starting with the political sphere. Political competition is required, which does not allow the authorities, which means that there will not be reforms," said Alizadeh. Why does the government spend huge amounts of money to the sport, and then asks loans from international financial institutions? Ansering this Alizade  reminded that Azerbaijan hosts  Eurovision, the European game, and other events that  give very little to the Azerbaijani people. There is no benefit from them for the resolution of the Karabakh  conflict. On the contrary, these measures only worsened living standards.

The expert believes that the negotiations with international financial institutions are  under way for the simulation of reforms. On the other hand, the participation of international financial institutions is necessary in order to explain them  popular measures. The government will claim that these measures demand the IMF and the World Bank.

   On the other hand the amount of  $four billion that the authoritites  want to borrow from the IMF  by  8-9 times is less than the reserves of the Oil Fund. It reminds borrowing five billion loan which the Russian Federation took from the IMF on the eve of the 1998 default, but even tht amount did not  reach Russia, and  it is unclear how it was wasted.

"It means that the  government has no strategy at all. Their aim is personal enrichment, and security of their families. Azerbaijani authorities are not interested in development of the state and welfare of the people. A clear evidence of this is  the destruction in the years of independence the  Azerbaijan's industrial potential, the elimination of the class of workers, designers, engineers. Instead, allegedly created an army of lawyers, economists, managers, and bankers. Now it  becomes clear that in times of crisis these layers are not wanted," said Alizadeh.

Alizadeh called ridiculous  the  appeal of the president to officials to use domestic products, and  use the Nakhchivan-Chinese cars. "The calls to use  Naz-Lifan – is a message to temporarily put aside the expensive cars, and buy Naz-Lifan,so that  the ruling familybecome richer. Furniture Company “Embawood”is  also associated with the family. But who will take out  from the offices  a foreign furtniture, and replace it with a local? "said Alizadeh. "Not only the authorities, but also the opposition need the intelligence, conscience, and patriotism," summed Alizadeh.-03В-

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