Nicat İbrahim

Nicat İbrahim

Baku / 12.05.17 / Turan: For five days an entrepreneur Nijat Ibrahimov has sash his mouth and went on a hunger strike, he himself reported this in social networks, putting a video of this process.

Ibrahimov said that the policemen deceived him, taking the money, taking away his health and violated huis rights.

"Nine years ago I appealed to law enforcement agencies, but no one listened to me. I will not accept this and will continue my fair fight," says Nijat Ibrahimov.

His family told Turan that his health had worsened, he was exhausted, he was breathing heavily, but he did not want to stop the action, "the entrepreneur's family said.

It was also noted that no official structure was interested in Nijat Ibrahimov. Nijat Ibrahimov had already carried out such actions, on December 30 of last year he also sealed his mouth and announced an indefinite hunger strike. In 2008, the entrepreneur took $32,000, promising in return a plot of land. However, neither the money was returned, nor the plot was not provided. According to Nijat IbraHimov, in total, officials owe him $46.910.

The law enforcement agencies do not react to his complaints. Neither official bodies, nor persons whose names are named in the form of an appeal, comment on the statements of the entrepreneur.

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