Press Review 08.12.2016

The official newspaper "Azerbaijan" published an article about Azerbaijan's development against the backdrop of the global crisis. The author presents Ilham Aliyev's statements about the development of the country during his visit to Gabala and Ismayilli.

According to the author, the problem of unemployment has been solved in the country, programs in the field of energy, transport, culture, industry, agriculture are being implemented. He quotes the head of state – “To turn Azerbaijan into powerful state it is necessary to continue Heydar Aliyev's policy. "

"Azadlig" published an article on the meeting of the Coordinating Center of the National Council. The participants said they were not against the development of relations with Iran and Russia, however, this cooperation should not impede the process of Euro integration and cooperation with Western countries should not weaken.

Coordinating Center  members expressed serious concern about Putin's statement that in  the resolution of the Karabakh conflict should not be winners. Parties to the conflict should benefit equally. Thus, the idea of ​​returning five occupied Azerbaijani regions by Armenians broke. The meeting participants discussed the  issue  of the court on the  events in  Nardaran events, and expressed the need to mobilize the people against the referendum on constitutional changes.

“Novoye Vrema” (New Times) published an article titled "The State Statistical Committee  (SSC)  admitted the inflation in the country."

According to the agency, food products fell by 1.6%, whereas non-food products rose by 0.2%, while tariffs for services increased by 1%.

The average annual price growth for July totaled10.6%. Food items for the year increased  by 12%, nonfood goods - by 15.5%, services - by 4.7%.

In the absence of real competition and monopoly market all subjects of the market begin to think monopolistically. In the West, the normal and inherent in every human sense of greed is limited by two factors. Firstly, the toughest competition, which does not allow competitors categorically inflate. Everyone wants to take share of the market, and for this is ready to receive less profit. Only structural reforms, which the government does not want to make, can improve the economy of our country.

"Echo" published an article titled "Azerbaijan's population saves primarily on food and clothing." Economists say that the income of the population after the two devaluations were reduced by almost 50%, while expenses, respectively, increased in this regard, many have revised their budgets, and many citizens are forced to  save.

Citizens spend the lion's share of their income on food. According to the head of the Union of Free Consumers of Azerbaijan (FCU) Eyyub Huseynov,  the economy touched  even domestic services for which demand has fallen by 20%.

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