Ruslan Izzyatli needs urgent surgery

Ruslan Izzyatli needs urgent surgery

Ruslan Izzyatli, a member of the “III Republic” Platform, who is in custody, needs urgent surgery due to cholelithiasis, his wife Gunel Manafly said. "After Ruslan's arrest, I consulted his doctor, who said that medicines would no longer help him, an urgent operation was needed. He may have an attack at any moment, so surgery is needed," Manafly said. She conveyed her concern to the Assistant Ombudswoman and blamed the state for the possible negative consequences of the disease on her husband's life and health.

On March 11, Ruslan Izziatli spoke briefly on the phone with his wife. "We talked for about two minutes. The lawyer has not yet met with Ruslan, but he has filed an appeal," Gunel Manafly added.

*Izzyatli was detained on March 8 and the next day arrested for 4 months on charges of money smuggling.  Eight more employees of “Toplum TV” and the Institute of Democratic Initiatives were involved in the same case.

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