The Council of State Support to NGOs to hold a  reporting meeting

 On 19 January the Council of State Support to NGOs will hold  a meeting at the "Park.İNN" , according to one of the invited participants. Turan failed to contact by phone with the Council. The same source said that  the meeting will be devoted to the activities of the Council in 2015.  The participation of the Chairman of the Council Azay Guliyev and Executive Secretary Farasat Gurbanov is expected.   Last year the  Council  supported 520 local and foreign NGOs in the 11 areas, and  two million mantas were spent on  the financing of projects. Currently, the budget of the Council  is  six million  manat, of which 1.4 million. goes to the  expenses of the Council. The remaining 4.6 million  will be spent to finance the projects.

In addition, 1,927,788 manats  were saved on account of the Council for the continuation of foreign NGOs. In 2016 the state budget allocated to the Council  6. 619.000 manats to support NGO projects.

In 2015, the Secretariat of the Council imposed sanctions against NGOs that have not fulfilled the terms of contracts. At the same time, 89 local and foreign NGOs were fined 135.000.

* The Board of State Support to NGOs is the only donor to civil society sector of Azerbaijan. In recent years, official Baku has toughened legislation and  evicted foreign donors of the country. At the same time actually it was forbidden to local NGOs  to get projects  from abroad.  -05B04-

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