Independent Filmmakers Protest

– Look, he might stay hungry and thirsty, but he won't survive without movies. How many times have you watched the movie "Bradyaqa," my boy?

– 43 times

– Why?

– I like it.

– That's how our people are. We don’t watch our own movies even once, but we watch someone else’s 43 times... – Exactly. Make movies that touch the heart and are convincing. An excerpt from the film "The Kidnapping of the Groom" (1985)

Various problems and gaps related to Azerbaijani cinema frequently become the subject of discussions. Sometimes we encounter debates about the lack of sufficient appreciation from the audience, the production of quality films, or the presence of censorship. In recent years, independent filmmakers have often written about the increasing difficulties they face in producing and distributing films in Azerbaijan on social networks. One such statement was published on the Independent Cinema Platform, consisting of Azerbaijani film producers and artists working in the cinema field. The statement includes three main demands:

  1. Eliminate actual censorship and all artificial barriers that are contrary to the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  2. Base the distribution of films on the current decision of the Cabinet of Ministers. The distribution certificate should be issued in a simplified form and without an "Expert Council," based on the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers.
  3. Create a discussion environment to ensure the functionality of the cinema law and implement these decisions in consultation with local cinematographers.

The statement was signed by 40 film producers. One of the signatories is director and producer Intigam Hajiyev. Intigam Hajiyev says that one of the main difficulties in making films is related to obtaining filming permits. He states that he has obtained filming permits through personal connections, which is a challenging path. According to the director, police can interfere with filming if done without informing anyone.

"Currently, there is no normal rule or form for obtaining filming permits. In fact, there should be an online system for this, and the company, producer, or director making the film should apply there. This should not be a difficult process."

Intigam Hajiyev has not applied anywhere to show the films he has produced so far. The two films he produced were presented in Baku by AKI at the end of 2021. At that time, no distribution certificate was required. He says that if they want to distribute them now, it will be required because cinemas and organizations have been instructed to do so.

Intigam Hajiyev made a documentary in 2011 with the support of the ministry. Since he was dissatisfied with the spending of the funds at that time, he did not want to work with them later and has been working independently ever since.

"Not only I, but the majority of directors who want to make films on state orders have expressed their dissatisfaction with the ministry's cinema system at various times and talked about bureaucratic obstacles."

This means killing cinematography

The director says that a "distribution certificate" should be issued for the produced film in all cases. If the film does not contain "pornography, child abuse, national, religious, racial discrimination" as specified in the law, it should be issued. Undoubtedly, no one wants to make such illegal films. He says that the main issue is the lack of distribution rights for normal films. He says that if distribution rights are not given, the reason should be explained. This is the main issue. It is not stated which detail prohibited by law coincides with the film.

"If this is not the case, the council should only evaluate the film and determine the age category. This should be their job. Otherwise, if any topic in the film addresses problems in our society today in one way or another, it does not mean that the film should not be given a 'distribution certificate.' Because there is no such article in the law. Evaluating the film based on its topic and not giving a distribution certificate means killing cinematography.

The work systems of ARKA and previous responsible organizations are annoying. Intigam Hajiyev says that ARKA has not invited independent cinematographers for meetings and taken their opinions so far. The director notes that they have been making films for 10 years, and these films have participated in and won awards at foreign festivals, but more than 90% of films made on state orders have been shelved.

The director also shared his thoughts on the statement. With the statement, they want to emphasize the importance of the composition of the expert council. As stated in the law, they should evaluate and determine the age category. They should not apply illegal censorship to films and deprive them of distribution rights.

"If there are any illegal episodes, details, or scenes in the films as specified in the law, they should clearly state this in the review. Otherwise, giving general reviews like 'this film cannot be distributed' is disrespectful to cinematography and also violates the law."

The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan has commented on the opinions voiced to the Turan Information Agency

"We would like to inform you that the Expert Council established under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan consists of professional experts. They ensure the issuance of distribution certificates based on the criteria in accordance with legislative requirements. There is no question of 'censorship' here."

Regarding the issuance of distribution certificates, the Ministry of Culture stated that according to the "Rules for the Distribution and Exhibition of Films," approved by Decision No. 165 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 6, 2006, all films allowed for distribution and mass exhibition in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan are registered with the Ministry of Culture and included in the state register of films. They are issued a unified distribution certificate according to the annex to these Rules. The ministry also noted that such regulations exist in the practices of the global film industry.

The ministry presented a list of films produced by state order in recent years:

Artistic films produced by state order from 2021 to 2024:

  1. "Olympia" (2021);
  2. "Kiosk" (2021) – series;
  3. "Well" (2021);
  4. "Levon's Last Autumn" (2021);
  5. "The Red Color of the Second Planet" (2021);
  6. "Two Days" (2021);
  7. "Khosrov and Shirin" (2021) – series;
  8. "Leyla's Violin" (2022);
  9. "Marble Cold" (2022);
  10. "Life, It Seems, is Beautiful" (2022);
  11. "Fence" (2022);
  12. "Maryam" (2022);
  13. "Rear Front" (2022);
  14. "Sheikh Sanan" (2023) – series

Documentary films produced by state order from 2021 to 2024:

  1. "Forgotten Corridor" (2021);
  2. "Our Commander" (2021);
  3. "The Door" (2021);
  4. "Interrupted Flight" (2021);
  5. "We" (2021);
  6. "September 27 (The First Day of Victory)" (2021);
  7. "Invisible Heroes. Air Force" (2021);
  8. "Great Order" (2021);
  9. "Fulya" (2021);
  10. "State Line" (2021);
  11. "Everything Ended with War" (2021);
  12. "I Bow to Your Land" (2021);
  13. "My Son's Diary" (2021);
  14. "Keeper of the Stars" (2021);
  15. "The Looms of Life. Zehra Aliyeva" (2021);
  16. "Shusha, You are Free!" (2021);
  17. "He Was Khargo" (2021);
  18. "Guardian Angel" (2022);
  19. "Fikret Amirov" (2022);
  20. "For the Nation. Abdul Karim Bey Mehmandarov" (2022);
  21. "Returned Land" (2022);
  22. "Provision" (2023);
  23. "Azeri of the Homeland" (2023);
  24. "Brave Karim" (2023), and so on – 54 documentary films

Animated films produced by state order from 2021 to 2024:

  1. "Tig-Tig in Search of Miracles. Episode 2: Gobustan" (2021);
  2. "History" (2022);
  3. "Karabakh Tale" (2022);
  4. "The Theft of Spring" (2023)

The ministry also announced that the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan has launched a competition to support film production to promote successful activities in this field. They mentioned that they are already seeing the results of this competition.

Additionally, it was noted that for the first time in the history of Azerbaijani cinema, funding has been allocated for the production of 11 projects in one year by the state. They emphasized that each of these projects was produced by private companies. The Ministry of Culture stated that it took on at least 70% of the financing for the majority of these projects and fully financed the others.

"Production of the films that won the competition has already begun. Some films are already in the post-production stage (i.e., the production is finished, and they are in the editing and sound process). The presentation of some of these films is expected by the end of this year."

The ministry stated that specific proposals have been prepared for the development of this field and will be submitted to the relevant institutions.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Culture and the Azerbaijan Film Agency announced that the acceptance of applications for support for film projects in the post-production stage has been completed. According to information from the ministry, this project is being implemented to provide direct support to the production in the local film market.

"Financial support has been allocated at market prices for the post-production stage of the films that have finished shooting and were submitted to the competition. The Film Agency has already conducted an initial review of these films, and the names of the winners related to their completion will be announced soon. This competition will allow these films to be released quickly."

"This cinema is a very complex matter; it is both complex and important." – "The Kidnapping of the Groom" (1985).

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