Population growth since the beginning of the year was 27 200 people

As of April 1, the number of citizens of Azerbaijan amounted to 9,383,007 persons.

According to the State Statistics Committee, from the beginning of 2013 population growth was 27,200 persons (+0.3%) at 41,300 births, of which 53.6% of the boys, the other - the girls. However, in general, women (50.3%) were slightly more than men (49.7%).

Officially registered in January-March were 16,100 marriages in 2800 cases of divorce. The average age of men at first marriage entered was 27.1 years, women - 23.7 years.

The trend of positive demographic balance - from the beginning of the year stood at a permanent record of 494 people, 36 people have left the country. - 17D-


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