Chronicle of events

01.03.24: Baku hosted the 10th ministerial meeting within the framework of the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council and the 2nd ministerial meeting within the framework of the Green Energy Advisory Council, which then continued at the sessions "Southern Gas Corridor and Green Energy", "Southern Gas Corridor: A Look into the Future" and "Green Energy Session against the background of COP29: Harnessing the possibilities of renewable energy sources."

01.03.24: The first consular consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan and Iraq took place in Baku. The delegations of the parties to the negotiations were headed by the heads of the consular departments of the Foreign Ministries of the two countries - Emil Safarov and Ahmed Ali Amin Al-Sadi, the press service of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry reports. During the consultations, the current state and prospects for the development of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Iraq in the consular sphere, the possibility of signing new bilateral documents and digitalization of consular services were considered, further. The issues of protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens of the two countries, strengthening measures in the field of providing consular assistance to convicts, and expanding cooperation in the field of extradition of convicts were discussed.

03.03.24: A resident of this area Abbasov Bakhtiyar, born in 1995, exploded on a mine near the village of Ahmedagaly, Aghdam district. According to the report of the national demining agency ANAMA, the incident occurred on a former line of contact that was not cleared of mines. In the result of the explosion, Abbasov was injured in both legs and was hospitalized.

04.03.24: The certification of religious figures working in places of worship of the Islamic religion has begun.  The Attestation Commission was established by the State Committee for Work with Religious Structures (SCWRS).The commission, along with representatives of the SCWRS, includes representatives of the Caucasus Muslim Board (CMB), as well as theological scholars.  The certification is carried out in the administrative building of the CMD. 64 clergymen who have completed a five-year work cycle will be tested. According to the law on Freedom of religion, certification of religious figures performing services in places of worship and sanctuaries of the Islamic religion is held every five years.

04.03.24: The Criminal prosecution against Azerbaijani soldier Ruslan Eldaniz oglu Panakhov has been stopped in Armenia. The Armenian media reported this. Panakhov was detained on the territory of Armenia on February 28. According to the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense, Panakhov got lost due to unfavorable weather conditions.

04.03.24: A biased and dirty campaign has been launched against Azerbaijan in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, President Ilham Aliyev said , receiving Chairman of the Bulgarian National Assembly Rosen Zhelyazkov in Bak Aliyev, in turn, said that after the restoration of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity, a number of European institutions launched a large-scale campaign against Baku. This campaign is also being conducted in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which is unacceptable.

04.03.24:  The operation of law enforcement agencies in connection with the facts of corruption began in the Executive Power of the city of Ganja, a number of unofficial sources reported. In the afternoon, the Prosecutor General's Office called on the media to publish verified information. At the same time, the report of the operation in Ganja has not been refuted.According to unofficial data, the security forces detained at least two high-ranking officials from the Executive Power   in the second most significant city in the country.

04.03.24:  During the operational activities of the Ganja city police officers, more than 33 kg of drugs were seized. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Elshan Khalilov, a resident of the Samukh district, suspected of drug smuggling from Iran, was detained. During the personal search, 14 kg. 926 grams of heroin with a market value of about 500 thousand manats were seized from Khalilov.

04.03.24:   Shamkir military prosecutor's office reported about suicide of soldier Eyvazli Musa Ekhtiram oglu, who shot himself in a military unit.The place of incident and the body of the deceased were examined by specialists of law enforcement agencies, a criminal case was opened on the fact, the Military Prosecutor's Office of Azerbaijan reported.

05.03.24:   The foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Iran, Jeyhun Bayramov and Hussein Amir-Abdollahian, met in Saudi Arabia as part of an emergency meeting of the heads of foreign affairs agencies of the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
During the meeting, bilateral relations and the current situation in the region were discussed, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry reports.

05.03.24:   Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has arrived on a significant working visit to Azerbaijan, where he is slated to engage in discussions with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Prime Minister Ali Asadov. The agenda for Mishustin's visit encompasses a wide array of topics pertinent to the advancement of Russian-Azerbaijani trade and economic cooperation.

05.03.24:   The Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, Kerim Veliyev, received a Pakistani delegation headed by the Director General of the Joint Staff of the Armed Forces of Pakistan, Ahsan Gulrez. Kerimov noted the great importance of the strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and Pakistan.

05.03.24:   Ruslan Panakhov, the Azerbaijani serviceman who was detained by Armenian forces after getting lost in adverse weather conditions on February 28, has safely returned to Azerbaijan.

05.03.24:   The Council of Europe Platform for Protection of Journalism and Safety of Media Representatives has published an annual report titled: "Press Freedom in Europe: Time to Turn the Situation Around." The report also reflects the facts of persecution of journalists in Azerbaijan.

06.03.24:   The head of the board of Platform III Republic, Akif Gurbanov, was detained as a suspect, said lawyer Shahla Gumbatova. According to her, Gurbanov is charged with actions provided for in Art. 206.3.2 (smuggling by prior conspiracy by a group of persons) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

06.03.24:   The United State is 'deeply troubled' by the reports that Azerbaijan police raided the office of independent media outlet Toplum TV, and by the reported arrests of multiple independent journalists and civil society activists in Azerbaijan today, as State Department's Spokesperson Matthew Miller put it, TURAN's Washington correspondent reports.

06.03.24:   A group of law enforcement officers came to the office of the online publication Toplum TV at around 4 pm on Wednesday and began a search.

06.03.24:   Last year, the trade turnover between Azerbaijan and Russia increased by 17% and is approaching the $4.5 billion mark. This was stated by Head of State Ilham Aliyev, receiving Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. "I am glad that industrial cooperation projects are being implemented. This is a relatively new area of our cooperation. Russian companies are creating new production facilities and service centers in Azerbaijan, and all this also contributes to fuller cooperation in the industrial sphere," Aliyev continued.

06.03.24:    A group of media experts led by Alesker Mammadli presented the monitoring of Azerbaijani media receiving state financial assistance. For 4 months (from July 15 to November 15, 2023), 16 media outlets were monitored regarding their compliance with legal requirements and professional ethics. In addition, the effectiveness of the use of budgetary funds allocated to support the media was checked. Experts have revealed significant violations of the law by pro-government media.

06.03.24:    Azerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov is currently on an official visit to Turkey, as announced by the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan. This visit underscores the deepening ties between the two countries, particularly in the realm of defense and security cooperation.

06.03.24:    At 06:30, Azerbaijani border guards of the Goradiz border post stopped another attempt to smuggle drugs from Iran. During the search measures, border guards seized 11 kg.  250 grams of marijuana, the Azerbaijani Border Service reported on Thursday.

06.03.24:    The Sabail court of Baku, on the recommendation of the State Security Service, arrested Azerbaijani citizen Abit Mardanov. He is charged under Article 214-1 of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan (financing of terrorism). The criminal case was initiated by the State Security Service of Azerbaijan. As reported to the Turan news agency in the Sabail court, Mardanov was arrested by judge Ulvia Shukyurova for a period of 4 months.

06.03.24:    At midnight  the Toplum TV account on Youtube was closed. At the same time, video reports of this publication began to disappear. In total, there were 3,600 videos on the account with 92,000 subscribers.

07.03.24:    The biggest journalist organisation in Europe - European Federation of Journalists condemed police raid on Toplum TV in Azerbaijan. «We demand that Azerbaijani authorities immediately release the journalists and drop all charges against them. Journalism not a crime”, - reads a statement of EFJ.

07.03.24:    The European Union responded to an attack on Internet television Toplum TV and the Third Republican Platform in Azerbaijan. «We follow the situation around new detentions of journalists and civil society activists (of Toplum TV & Third Republican Platform).  The EU calls on Azerbaijani authorities to ensure freedom of expression, including free and unhindered space for independent journalism, in line with its international commitments»,- reads comment  of the EU spoksperson for foreign affairs and security policy Peter Stano.

07.03.24:    Vice-Premiers of Azerbaijan and Armenia - Shahin Mustafayev and Mher Grigoryan held a joint meeting of commissions on the issue of border delimitation. The parties exchanged opinions on issues of delimitation and began to agree on the draft regulation on the joint activity of the state commissions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan reports. Draft instructions on the procedure for carrying out works on delimitation were also discussed. The parties agreed as soon as possible to complete the coordination of the draft Regulation on the joint activity of the delimitation commissions and to determine the date and place of the next meeting.

07.03.24:    "The UK is deeply concerned about the arrest of “Toplum TV” journalists and a representative of the Third Republic political movement. We call for the protection of freedom of expression and fundamental human rights, including the rights of all recently arrested media representatives." British Ambassador to Azerbaijan Fergus Auld wrote about this on his account on the “X” Platform.

07.03.24:    The persecution of the online publication «Toplum TV» in Azerbaijan is an unacceptable attack by the ruling regime on critical, independent voices in the country. This is reported by the human rights organization «Freedom House».

07.03.24:    Around midnight, members of the Board of Directors of the III Republican Platform, Ruslan Izzatli and Araz Aliyev, were released from the Baku City Police Department. Both activists told Turan that they were physically harassed for not giving away their phones and not revealing their codes. They intend to give detailed comments later.

07.03.24:    By midnight, Toplum TV employees Parvan Guryanly, Alya Agayeva, Jeyhun Hasanli, Jamila Azimova, Fidan Alijanova, Javid Ramazanov, Gulyeter Mahmudova, Samir Agazade, Sadig Mamedov, who were detained on March 6, were released from the main police department of the city of Baku. This was reported by the editor-in-chief of Toplum TV, Khadija Ismailova. Other Toplum TV employees Elmir Abbasov, Taleh Badalov, Khanlar Alizadeh, Mushvig Jabbarova and Farid Ismailov, members of the Institute of Democratic Initiatives Ali Zeynal and Ilkin Akhmedov, as well as members of Platform III Republic Akif Gurbanov and Ruslan Izzetli remained in the police.

08.03.24:    The French Foreign Ministry issued a statement, condemning Azerbaijani authorities' repression of the media and social activists. «France is deeply concerned by the recent wave of arrests in Azerbaijan, which once again targeted members of civil society and the independent media. We call on Azerbaijan to respect fundamental liberties – particularly freedom of speech and freedom of the press – in line with its international commitments, and to release those individuals who have been arbitrarily detained.  On this International Women’s Day, we applaud the role and bravery of female Azerbaijani independent journalists”, - reads the statement.

08.03.24:   The Khatai District Court of Baku chose a preventive measure in the form of arrest for a period of 4 months against five defendants in the “Toplum TV case” - Akif Gurbanov, Ilkin Amrakhov, Ramin Babayev, Mushfig Jabbar and Ali Zeynal. Toplum TV employees Farid Ismailov and Elmir Abasov were released and placed under police supervision. All were charged under Art. 206.3.2 (smuggling by prior conspiracy) of the Criminal Code, the lawyers reported. Under these articles they face 5 to 8 years in prison.

08.03.24:    According to the organizers of the action, the police blocked the approaches to the site of the action at the Natavan monument and did not allow some participants to go there. At the beginning of the action, police officers snatched political posters from the activists. The picketers condemned domestic violence against women and demanded an end to it.

08.03.24:    Alesker Mammadli, a well-known media expert and founder of Toplum Tv, was detained by plainclothes officers.  Ruslan Izzetli, a member of the Platform III Republic, was also detained in front of the Khatai police building. Both are accused of smuggling.

08.03.24:    The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Teresa Ribeiro, has expressed grave concern after the detention of 14 staff members from the independent online media outlet, Toplum TV, yesterday. "I call on authorities to release all detained media workers. All OSCE participating States committed themselves, including through the 2018 Ministerial Council Decision on the Safety of Journalists, to fostering a safe working environment and ensuring the protection of journalists,"

09.03.24:    Armenia must liberate all 8 Azerbaijani villages remaining under its occupation.This was reported by the service of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Azerbaijan Shahin Mustafayev, commenting on allegations in Armenia about the occupation of the territory of 31 villages in this country by the Azerbaijani side.The Deputy Prime Minister's office called these reports "unreliable."

09.03.24:    The Khatai District Court of Baku has chosen a preventive measure for a period of 4 months against the founder of Toplum TV, Alesker Mammadli.Alesker Mammadli, speaking in court, linked his arrest to his scientific and social activities. The court also arrested Ruslan Izzetli, a member of the Institute of Democratic Initiatives and the lll Platform of the Republic, for 4 months. Both are accused of smuggling.

10.03.24:    In a recent development reported by the Voice of America, a British court has upheld the decision to place a $50 million property owned by Azerbaijani parliament member Javanshir Feyziyev and his wife under arrest in London.

11.03.24:    The international human rights organization Amnesty International has condemned the recent arrests of journalists and activists in Azerbaijan in the Toplum TV case. Amnesty International calls on the international community to recognize the urgency and seriousness of the situation in Azerbaijan and put pressure on the authorities to stop the repression. "This November, the country is going to host the COP29 climate conference, it is extremely important that international attention be used to demand respect for human rights."

11.03.24:    President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev arrived in Baku on a state visit. Following the talks between the presidents of the two countries, Ilham Aliyev and Kassym–Jomart Tokayev, a package of Azerbaijani-Kazakh documents was signed.

11.03.24:    In Azerbaijan, the special quarantine regime has been extended until 06:00 on July 1, 2024, Prime Minister Ali Assadov signed an appropriate relevant resolution.

11.03.24:    The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) issued a statement in connection with the detentions and arrests of Toplum TV employees. The CPJ called on the Azerbaijani authorities to release the journalists of Toplum TV and other publications.

12.03.24:    The Platform for the Protection of Journalists of the Council of Europe has sent a request to the government of Azerbaijan on the case of “Toplum TV.”  The request was initiated by the European Federation of Journalists, the International Federation of Journalists and the Foundation for Justice for Journalists.

12.03.24:      President of Kazakhstan Kassym Jomart Tokayev, accompanied by Ilham Aliyev, arrived in the city of Shusha. The head of Kazakhstan was familiarized with the sights of the cultural capital of Azerbaijan, he was told about plans to rebuild the city after liberation from the Armenian occupation in 2020.

12.03.24:    A group of journalists and media experts from Azerbaijan appealed to Interior Minister Vilayat Eyvazov with a request to release from custody Alesker Mammadli, the o-founder of the “Toplum TV”, who was arrested as part of the investigation into the case of “Toplum TV.”

12.03.24:    Toplum TV issued a statement in connection with the arrest of its employees and the sealing of the office. Toplum TV has accused the police of a cyber attack on its accounts.

12.03.24:    Relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan "are likely to remain tense," this year,  the U.S. Intelligence community predicts, TURAN's Washington correspondent reports. But Azerbaijan’s retaking of Nagorno-Karabakh "has reduced volatility, and a military confrontation probably would be limited in duration and intensity,"  according to the U.S. intelligence community's annual Worldwide Threat Assessment, which were presented to Congress on Monday by the leaders of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the CIA, FBI, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency.

12.03.24:    Night two police officers were killed as a result of careless handling of weapons in the liberated territories. This was reported to Turan by the press service of the Interior Ministry. Officer Ramiz Ismayilov, born in 1982, and private Abid Mustafazade were fatally wounded due to firing of service weapons with carelessness. One of them died on the spot and the other died on the way to hospital. An investigation is underway, the report said. The Interior Ministry does not clarify exactly where the incident took place or who opened fire.

13.03.24:    Head of State Ilham Aliyev received Tedros Gebresius, High Representative of the UN Alliance of Civilizations Miguel Ángel Moratinos, and Special Representative of the Chinese Government for European Affairs Wu Hongbo.

13.03.24:    Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov received Greek Deputy Foreign Minister Alexandra Papadopoulos. According to the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, the sides discussed bilateral relations, as well as the process of normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The sides noted the importance of developing bilateral relations in political, economic, trade, energy, agricultural, tourism, humanitarian and other spheres.

13.03.24:    Ilham Aliyev received new CEO of BP oil company Murray Auchincloss, the website of the President of Azerbaijan reports. The parties further discussed prospects of future co-operation between BP and SOCAR.

13.03.24:    The European Parliament adopted a resolution entitled: "Closer ties between the EU and Armenia  and the need for a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia" (2024/2580(RSP). The document further contains harsh accusations against Azerbaijan in the "blockade of the Lachin corridor", "offensive on the rest of Nagorno-Karabakh" and "ethnic cleansing of 100,000 Armenians". The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry rejected these accusations of the European Parliament. Foreign Ministry spokesman Ayhan Hajizadeh said in his comment that the resolution is unfounded and biased, and a vivid example of double standards against Azerbaijan.

14.03.24:    “Toplum TV” editor-in-chief Khadija Ismayilova spent almost 3 hours at the Baku Police Department, where she was summoned for questioning. After leaving, she told reporters that she had been interrogated by investigator Alibala Hajiyev.  "During the interrogation, we argued on procedural issues. Therefore, everything has been delayed somewhat," Ismayilova said.  She said she refused to testify.

14.03.24:    The "XI Global Baku Forum" on the theme "Restoration of the Fractured World" has opened at Gulustan Palace. The event is organised by the Nizami Ganjavi International Centre under the patronage of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

14.03.24:    Azerbaijan and Armenia are closer to peace than ever, President Ilham Aliyev said. "Now we are closer to peace with Armenia than ever. The world has never been so close in the history of the independence of the South Caucasus. This is the result of the Second Karabakh War. This is the result of the anti-terrorist operation that we carried out in less than 24 hours last September, ending separatism once and for all and restoring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan," Aliyev said, speaking at the 11th Global Baku Forum.

14.03.24:    On March 12-14,  a meeting the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, as part of the supervision of the execution of the verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights, adopted a number of decisions, including those concerning Azerbaijan. The talk is about the failure to fully implement the decisions of the ECHR on complaints from representatives of civil society: Intigam Aliyeva, Khadija Ismail, Anara Mammadli, Giyas Ibrahimova, Bayram Mammadov (deceased), Arif and Leyla Yunus.The Committee reiterated its call on the authorities to take all measures to ensure that the convictions of the applicants are overturned without delay.

15.03.24:    Armenia and Azerbaijan are close to agreeing to recognize the border that existed between the two countries at the time of the collapse of the USSR in 1991 as the basis for demarcation and mutual recognition of territorial integrity. Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan stated this, speaking in the country's parliament.

15.03.24:    The Court of Appeal considered complaints about the arrest of journalists from the online publication “Toplum TV” and the “III Republic” Platform.

15.03.24:    The 9th trilateral meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia opened in Baku.The talks between Ceyhun Bayramov, Hakan Fidan and Ilya Darchiashvili, held at the Heydar Aliyev Centre, discuss trilateral cooperation, the situation in the region, regional and global cooperation projects.  Turkish Foreign Minister Fidan Hakan stated that the sides exchanged views on expanding multilateral cooperation of the three countries, establishing lasting peace in the South Caucasus.

15.03.24:    The Committee to Protect Journalists  (CPJ) condemned a series of court decisions in Azerbaijan extending the pre-trial detention of six journalists with the anti-corruption investigative news outlet “Abzas Media.”

16.03.24:    The number of human remains discovered during excavations in connection with construction and restoration work in the city of Khojaly has reached 18. At the same time, the identities of 8 people have been established. They turned out to be residents of Khojaly and Khankendi.  The number of human remains found in a mass grave in the city of Khojaly at the site of a carpet factory has reached 18, including four allegedly minors, the Prosecutor General's Office and the State Commission for Prisoners of War, Hostages and Missing Persons of Azerbaijan said in a joint statement.

16.03.24:    US President Joseph Biden congratulated Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of the upcoming Novruz spring holiday. The congratulatory message expresses good wishes to the President and the people of Azerbaijan on behalf of the United States.

17.03.24:    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg arrived in Baku, kicking off a three-day, tri-nation tour of the South Caucasus. Meeting with President Ilham Aliyev, the Secretary General welcomed Azerbaijan’s long-standing collaboration with the Alliance, saying he looked forward to further strengthening the partnership. Mr Stoltenberg welcomed the opportunity to discuss energy security, saying: “energy matters for our security and I welcome that Azerbaijan is developing closer and closer ties with several NATO Allies.” He further pointed to a track record of work on issues of mutual concern and thanked Azerbaijan for its contributions to NATO-led operations and missions – including in Kosovo and Afghanistan – since Azerbaijan joined NATO’s Partnership for Peace in 1994. The Alliance and Baku have also cooperated through NATO’s Science for Peace and Security programme on counter-terrorism and cyber security.

17.03.24:    Azerbaijan is committed to partnership with NATO, President Ilham Aliyev said  after negotiations with the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance Jens Stoltenberg. Recalling the “more than 30-year” history of the partnership of Azerbaijan and NATO, he noted the peacekeeping operations of the alliance in Kosovo and Afghanistan. “For us it was an excellent experience,“ said Aliyev. He also pointed out the reform of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan and the modernization of its defense capabilities. Taking advantage of his right to self -defense according to the UN Charter, Azerbaijan restored its integrity.

18.03.24:    The chairman of the Dashkesan district branch of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA), Sahib Mammadzade, was detained on the evening. According to the PFPA, Mamedzadeh was detained while he was moving his cattle to pasture. He was detained by people in black masks and taken away in an unknown direction. The PFPA believes that Mammadzade’s detention is related to political activities.

18.03.24:    The results of the Second Karabakh War did not become a lesson for Armenia, so an anti-terrorist operation was carried out. This was stated in Khankendi by Ilham Aliyev in his address on the occasion of the upcoming New Year. In conclusion, he said that the main square of the city of Khankendi has been renamed "Victory Square".

18.03.24:    Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov received Louis Bono, Special Representative of the US State Department for the South Caucasus. The sides discussed bilateral relations, the situation in the region and the process of normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the Foreign Ministry said.

18.03.24:    Partnership between Azerbaijan and NATO was discussed  at a meeting between the country's Defence Minister Zakir Hasanov and Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Hasanov thanked NATO for supporting Azerbaijan's territorial integrity during the 30-year occupation, the Defence Ministry's press service reports. The NATO Secretary General was provided with detailed information on the reforms carried out in the Azerbaijani Army, demining, reconstruction and construction operations in the liberated territories, the current situation on the "conditional" border between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

18.03.24:    President Ilham Aliyev lit a bonfire in the central square in Khankiandi on the occasion of the upcoming Novruz holiday.

18.03.24:    The Union "For Freedom to Political Prisoners of Azerbaijan" has announced a new list of political prisoners. As compared to the previous list announced in early December, the number of political prisoners has grown by 43 people to 288.

19.03.24:    The United States said it "continues to pay close attention" to the peace process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, in wake of alarming statements from the region. "It’s something that not just the Secretary [Antony Blinken] but Assistant Secretary [Jim] O’Brien as well as Senior Coordinator [Louis] Bono are continuing to focus on, engaging with appropriate interlocutors," State Department's Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel told a daily briefing when responding to TURAN's questions.

19.03.24:    The Goygol District Court, chaired by Judge Eyub Kerimov, arrested the head of the Dashkesan district branch of the Azerbaijan Popular Front Party, Sahib Mammadzade, for 4 months. A criminal case has been initiated against him under Article 234.4.3 of the Criminal Code (Illegal manufacture, production, acquisition, storage or sale of drugs on a large scale). Lawyer Zabil Kahramanov told Turan about this.

19.03.24:    Turan News Agency sent a letter to the Minister of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan Rashad Nabiyev in connection with the low quality of Internet services provided by the state provider Bakinternet.

19.03.24:    Hikmet Hajiyev, Assistant to the President of the country for Foreign Policy, is in China. On his Twitter account, he announced meetings with Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Sun Weidong, Deputy Head of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Chen Zhu, President of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Wang Chao.

22.03.24:    The IPU (Inter- Parliamentary Union)  hosted high-level delegations from Armenia and Azerbaijan on the eve of the IPU’s 148th Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland. IPU President Tulia Ackson and IPU Secretary General Martin Chungong welcomed to IPU headquarters the Armenian delegation, led by the Speaker of the Azgayin Zhogov (National Assembly), Mr. Alen Simonyan, and the Azerbaijani delegation, led by the Speaker of the Milli Mejlis (National Assembly), Ms. Sahiba Gafarova. The IPU offered its good offices to the two sides to promote dialogue, build good neighbourly relations, and to help pave the way towards a normalization of ties between the two countries.

22.03.24:    Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's recent announcement in the Armenian parliament regarding the return of several villages to Azerbaijan has stirred discussions and raised pertinent questions about border delimitation, security, and historical precedents. Pashinyan, in his address, delineated a series of villages and their corresponding locations, signifying Armenia's willingness to engage in a comprehensive border delimitation process, particularly in the Tavush region.

23.03.24:    Khadija Ismayilova, a well-known journalist and editor-in-chief of Toplum TV, has been banned from leaving Azerbaijan.

23.03.24:    The Committee of the state security of Kyrgyzstan detained in Bishkek five citizens of Azerbaijan - members of a transnational criminal group, who were planning an assassination attempt on the leadership of Kyrgyzstan. This is stated in today's report of this agency.

23.03.24:    Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev sent condolences to Russian President Vladimir Putin in connection with the terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall concert and numerous victims.

24.03.24:    Ilham Aliyev called Russian President Vladimir Putin, and once again, on his own and on behalf of the people of Azerbaijan, expressed his condolences to Putin, to the family members of the victims of the terrorist attack in the Crocus City Concert Hall.

24.03.24:    A group of U.S. senators has submitted a new resolution to the Senate calling for the immediate release of Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu from an Azerbaijani prison.

25.03.24:    The Shamkir military Prosecutor's office received information that a serviceman of one of the military units of the Ministry of Defense, Private Bagirov Eljan Emin oglu, committed suicide by using firearms, the message of the Military Prosecutor's Office of Azerbaijan.

25.03.24:    Azerbaijan should put an end to the intimidation and harassment of journalists and civil society activists. "The increasing repression faced by journalists and representatives of civil society in Azerbaijan is a cause of deep concern," Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatovic said on Monday, referring to arrests, detentions and prosecutions that stifle freedom of expression. opinions in Azerbaijan.

25.03.24:    The founder of “Toplum TV,” Alesker Mammadli, who is being held in a pre-trial detention center, appealed to the European Court of Human Rights against the decision of the Baku Court of Appeal, which upheld the decision of the Khatai Court to imprison Mammadli for a period of four months.  Mammadli demands to replace the measure of restraint with house arrest, since detention does not allow him to complete the examination recommended by doctors in order to determine the danger of tumors found in him.

25.03.24:    The State Security Service detained Azerbaijani citizen Askerov Bahruz Alimamed oglu, born in 1988, who lived in Murmansk (Russia). He is suspected  of  planning a terrorist attack.

25.03.24:    The human rights organization Foundation for Human Rights Houses, after the adoption of the universal periodic report (UPR) on Azerbaijan at the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council, issued a statement on the human rights situation in the country. "We call on Azerbaijan to heed the recommendations of the UPR calling for the protection of freedom of expression, to abandon the persecution of the media and journalists, to release those unjustly detained and to review its legislation. Azerbaijan must implement reforms reflecting the recommendations of the UPR, guaranteeing all citizens the opportunity to enjoy their fundamental rights and freedoms," the statement said.

26.03.24: Activists from the expatriate organisation "Choose Democratic Azerbaijan" (DAS) organised a rally in Berlin, gathering in front of the German Foreign Ministry and the Azerbaijani Embassy. Their slogan echoed demands for an end to what they called "journalistic terror" in Azerbaijan. The protesters condemned the repression against freedom of speech in Azerbaijan and raised a number of demands aimed at removing the dire situation in Azerbaijan.

26.03.24: The European Union's Special Representative for the South Caucasus has called threats against Armenia in Azerbaijani media "unacceptable". "Real negotiations on border delimitation are required and all territorial disputes should be resolved peacefully and through an agreed process," Klaar wrote on his Twitter account. In turn, Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry spokesman Ayhan Hajizadeh accused Toivo Klaar of seeing "evil in legitimate demands for the return of Azerbaijani villages, completely ignoring calls in the Armenian press to continue the illegal occupation of Azerbaijani lands," Hajizadeh wrote.

27.03.24:    Turan News Agency has repeatedly sent a letter to the Minister of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan Rashad Nabiyev in connection with the low quality of Internet services provided by the state provider Bakinternet.

27.03.24:    As part of the fight against drug trafficking, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan have conducted about 30 operations codenamed "A trap for drug" in various regions of the country since the beginning of March.  In total, 157 kg of drugs worth about 6 million manats on the black market were seized from illegal trafficking, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reports.

27.03.24:    The United States  rejected Azerbaijan's criticism of forthcoming U.S.-EU-Armenia trilateral meeting in Brussels which, it said, is 'purely' about Armenia, TURAN's Washington correspondent reports. "The focus of this meeting is on economic resilience to help Armenia diversify its trade partnerships and address humanitarian needs. I fail to see why that would be escalatory or would be of a concern to any country in the world," State Department's Spokesperson Matthew Miller told TURAN's Washington correspondent during a daily briefing.

28.03.24:    Baku Court for Serious Crimes has passed a sentence on Iranian citizen Gaedi Mohammad Najaf oglu, accused of espionage in the territory of Azerbaijan. The court sentenced him to 12 years of imprisonment in a strict regime colony.

28.03.24:    The police found and seized more than 50 kilograms of drugs, the press service of the Interior Ministry said. More than 6.8 kg of heroin, about 39 kg of marijuana, more than 2.7 kg of opium, more than 2 kg of methamphetamine, as well as 2,155 methadone tablets were seized from the illicit traffic.

28.03.24:    Rrepresentatives of the Ombudswoman visited  Hafiuz Babaly, the editor of the economic news department of the Turan agency, who was arrested in the "Abzas Media case", in the Baku pre-trial detention center-1. According to Babala's relatives, The journalist himself had previously appealed to the Ombudswoman and complained about unjustified criminal prosecution on false charges,  according to Babaly’s relatives.

28.03.24:    Human remains were found in the city of Khojaly during excavations carried out as part of the restoration work. Bone fragments and human remains were found in the town of Galaderesi in the city of Khojaly, the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan reported.

29.03.24:    Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov received Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry Pavel Knyazev. This is stated in the message of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan. During the meeting, issues on the cooperation agenda between Azerbaijan and Russia on a bilateral and multilateral basis were discussed. Bayramov accused “outside regional states” of obstructing the peace process.

29.03.24:    U.S. Ambassador Libby met with the lawyers representing journalists detained in Azerbaijan.  “The United States supports freedom of the press and calls on the Azerbaijani government to release all individuals arrested for exercising their fundamental freedoms”, — reads a pree release from the US Embassy to Azerbaıjan.

29.03.24:    Gubad Ibadoglu, chairman of the Azerbaijan Democracy and Welfare Party, an economist, is losing his eyesight,  the politician's brother Ghalib Bayramov said.

29.03.24:    EU Spokesman for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Peter Stano has denied Baku's claims regarding the EU-US-Armenia trilateral meeting. Responding to Azerbaijani media queries, he described as "inaccurate" information about the nature of the upcoming meeting on 5 April in Geneva. "It is not true that the meeting will be devoted to 'security guarantees'. It will not touch upon issues other than EU/US-Armenia bilateral relations.

29.03.24:    In the wake of the Second Karabakh War, the  geopolitical picture of the South Caucasus has undergone profound shifts, with France and some Western nations adopting strategies that are raising eyebrows  in Baku. Head of the State Security Service of Azerbaijan, Ali Nagiyev, has voiced apprehensions regarding France's recent establishment of a military mission in Armenia, suggesting that it could potentially escalate tensions and even provoke another conflict.

29.03.24:    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Yuri Galuzin and Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister Elgur Mammadov held a meeting in Moscow."The state and prospects of the Russian-Azerbaijani relations were considered in detail. Further joint steps to implement the provisions of the Declaration on Allied Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 22, 2022 were discussed.

30.03.24:    Gubad Ibadoglu's condition remains appalling and his release must be secured. Ben Cardin, head of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, wrote about this on his account on Platform “X.” “The conditions in the place of detention are terrible," Dr. Ibadoglu wrote to his family from his cell. "Urgent measures are needed to save my life in prison."

30.03.24:    Azerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov held an official meeting at the Central Command Post of the department, which was attended directly and via video link by his deputies, commanders of types of troops, and commanders of large formations. The meeting analyzed the current operational situation on the conditional Azerbaijani-Armenian border, officials were tasked with maintaining a high level of combat training of military units, improving their service and combat activities, the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan said.

30.03.24:    Three foreign citizens were detained for illegally entering the depot of the Baku metro and causing material damage. According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, citizens of Australia, New Zealand, and France who are in Azerbaijan as tourists secretly entered the depot of the Baku metro and painted graffiti on several wagons, intentionally causing damage to property.

31.03.24:    The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry issued a threatening statement saying that recently there has been a concentration of manpower, armored vehicles, artillery installations, as well as other heavy firepower and intensive movement of troops of the Armenian armed forces on various directions of the conditional Armenian-Azerbaijani border.  The Ministry of Defense warned that any attempt of military provocation against Azerbaijan by the Armenian armed forces will be decisively suppressed by the Azerbaijani Army. In response, the Armenian Defense Ministry hastened to refute these allegations, describing these movements as routine military exercises aimed at honing the skills of novice drivers in the Armenian Armed Forces.

Mishustin in Baku: six months later

06.03.24:   Last year, the trade turnover between Azerbaijan and Russia increased by 17% and is approaching the $4.5 billion mark. This was stated by Head of State Ilham Aliyev, receiving Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. "I am glad that industrial cooperation projects are being implemented. This is a relatively new area of our cooperation. Russian companies are creating new production facilities and service centers in Azerbaijan, and all this also contributes to fuller cooperation in the industrial sphere," Aliyev continued.

Azerbaijan-Russia: synergy of trade turnover

The visit of Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to Azerbaijan on March 5-6 was not just ceremonial; it was an event marked by strategic discussions and specific plans for economic cooperation. The visit began with a productive exchange of views between Prime Minister Mishustin and his Azerbaijani counterpart Ali Asadov. After that, Mishustin held talks with President Ilham Aliyev, who approved the discussions held by the premiers, paving the way for deeper interaction.

The subsequent transfer of powers to the respective ministers of economy of both countries on March 7 marked the transition from dialogue to the implementation of political decisions into practical steps.

The key point of the discussions was the focus on improving logistics efficiency, increasing trade turnover and creating favorable conditions for Russian tourists who faced restrictions due to international sanctions. These priorities reflect the common interests of Russia and Azerbaijan in stimulating economic growth and diversification.

The economic results achieved after Mishustin's previous visit to Azerbaijan in autumn 2022 serve as a barometer of future cooperation. It is noteworthy that both sides expressed their intentions to build on these achievements, which indicates a promising approach to bilateral relations.

Focus on logistics

In the complex network of Russian-Azerbaijani economic relations, logistics and transport have become key sectors stimulating efforts to strengthen trade and deepen ties between the two countries. Mishustin's visit highlighted the importance of strengthening logistics infrastructure to facilitate smoother trade flows and strengthen bilateral relations.

The central item on Mishustin's agenda was the acceleration of work on the modernization of border crossings between Moscow and Baku. As a result of the negotiations, a comprehensive roadmap for the development of these crossings was signed with the aim of increasing the capacity to 3,000 vehicles per day. This strategic step is aimed at optimizing cross-border trade processes and reducing transit time, thereby increasing the efficiency of bilateral trade.

In addition to direct attention to border crossings, both Russia and Azerbaijan are committed to broader improvement of transport infrastructure, especially along the western route of the international North-South transport corridor passing through Azerbaijan. This corridor serves as a vital trade artery connecting Europe and Asia, which makes its expansion extremely important for both countries.

For Russia, the development of the North-South corridor, which includes the following directions: Azerbaijan, the Caspian Sea, Kazakhstan, is consistent with its orientation to the markets of Asia and the Persian Gulf. Given the ambitious goals set for Russian freight transportation along this corridor - 17 million tons in 2022 and an increase to 32 million tons by 2030 - concerted efforts are needed to modernize and expand the transport infrastructure.

The Baku Declaration of 2022 on the development of North-South establishes joint plans of Russia and Azerbaijan to increase the capacity of the western corridor in order to increase it from 9 to 15 million tons. This commitment underscores the shared vision of both countries to exploit the economic potential of the North-South corridor and promote the expansion of regional trade links.

During Mishustin's visit, an important milestone was reached - the roadmap for the development of transport infrastructure for 2024-2026 was signed. This roadmap defines specific measures and deadlines to strengthen logistics capabilities and expand transport networks, laying a solid foundation for sustainable economic growth and cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan.

The focus on logistics in the Russian-Azerbaijani economic relations means a strategic turn towards stimulating effective trade flows and strengthening bilateral cooperation.

Exploring new horizons

The parties call the approval in January of the roadmap for Russian-Azerbaijani economic cooperation until 2026, which marks a turning point, an important step towards strengthening economic cooperation. Although the detailed content of this roadmap remains confidential, reports hint at its extensive nature, covering cooperation in various sectors, including trade, investment, transport, industry and agriculture.

Ali Asadov, emphasizing the importance of approving this roadmap, emphasizes the transition from the seven previous roadmaps covering 2018-2023. He argues that the successful implementation of previous initiatives lays a solid foundation for further advancement, especially highlighting the successes achieved in the investment sector.

The conversations between Prime Minister Asadov and his Russian counterpart Mikhail Mishustin during the approval of the roadmap underlined the shared commitment to identify new areas of cooperation. Both premiers stressed the need to synchronize efforts to create production cooperation points, ensuring that the development of transport infrastructure will be accompanied by an increase in joint production capacities.

Mishustin, recognizing the significant potential for cooperation in many sectors, including energy, industry, shipbuilding, agriculture and innovation, emphasizes the huge opportunities for joint projects and investments. By the way, Russian direct investments in the Azerbaijani economy increased to $295 million in 2023, ranking fourth after the United Kingdom, Turkiye and Cyprus. The investments demonstrate confidence in Azerbaijan's economic trajectory and highlight the growing synergy between Russia and Azerbaijan.

According to the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan (SCC), there has been a significant increase in economic relations between Azerbaijan and Russia: by the end of 2023, trade turnover increased to 4,358 billion dollars, which is 17.5% more than the previous year. This sharp increase is evidenced by a significant increase in both exports and imports. Azerbaijan's exports to Russia in 2023 reached $1.196 billion, reflecting a marked increase of 22.7%, while imports from Russia amounted to $3.162 billion, indicating an increase of 15.6% compared to the previous year. This surge highlights the strengthening of economic ties between the two countries, driven by increased trade activity in various sectors.

Despite this surge, Russia retained its position as Azerbaijan's third largest trading partner by the end of 2023, behind the EU and Turkiye. Nevertheless, trade operations with Russia accounted for a significant share of Azerbaijan's foreign trade turnover - 8.52%, which underlines the key role of Russian-Azerbaijani trade relations in a broader economic sense.

The dynamics of trade turnover between Azerbaijan and Russia reflects the trend observed in 2022, when trade increased by 23.9% compared to the previous year, reaching $3.71 billion. It is noteworthy that trade operations with Russia accounted for 7.04% of Azerbaijan's total foreign trade turnover, which indicates a consistent growth in bilateral trade relations.

The approval of the roadmap and the growing trade indicators between Russia and Azerbaijan indicate a promising growth in economic cooperation.

Partnership strategy

The developing economic cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan is turning into a strong strategic partnership, due to a combination of factors that emphasize the importance of their relations. Geographical proximity, historical commonality, similarity of regimes, logistics, combined with several other key elements, form the basis of this growing alliance.

First of all, the stability of Russian-Azerbaijani relations, framed by Azerbaijan's resistance to Western pressure, underlines the stability of their ties. This geopolitical reality has created favorable conditions for deepening further relations.

Secondly, the marked increase in demand for a wide range of goods exchanged between Russia and Azerbaijan reflects the mutual benefits derived from their economic interdependence. This growing demand highlights the symbiotic relationship between the two markets.

Thirdly, the growing volume of mutual industrial investments indicates a strategic convergence of economic interests. The growing interest in cross-border investments highlights the potential for sustainable cooperation and mutual economic growth.

Finally, the key role of Russian-Azerbaijani communications in the international North-South transit corridor reinforces their importance in promoting regional trade and integration.

At the Russian-Azerbaijani interregional forum in November 2022, Russian Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov outlined ambitious goals to double foreign trade turnover to $8 billion. If we proceed from the trend of growth in trade turnover over the past two years, then Moscow's upward trajectory can be continued in an effort to strengthen its position in Azerbaijan by expanding economic cooperation.

According to the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies of the Russian Federation, fundamental steps have been taken to strengthen trade and economic relations in order to achieve this goal. Key initiatives such as the mutual regime of the simplified customs corridor and the introduction of the preferential status of an "authorized economic operator" have simplified trade processes, contributing to a smoother execution of cross-border transactions.

Moreover, Azerbaijani manufacturers and exporters began to take advantage of access to the database of Russian standards for goods and services, contributing to greater compliance and facilitating trade between the two countries.

Behind the scenes of Azerbaijani-Russian economic cooperation, one can notice a paradigm shift towards a comprehensive strategic partnership.

Behind the scenes

In 2023, a series of initiatives aimed at facilitating the supply of Russian oil through the Tikhoretsk-Makhachkala-Baku pipeline quietly unfolded, with plans to process this oil at the Azerbaijan Oil Refinery named after Heydar Aliyev, located near Baku. These strategic maneuvers are caused by the expansion of Azerbaijani oil exports outside the CIS region, which could potentially lead to a shortage of domestic needs. Negotiations are underway to solve this problem by using the refining capacities of the Heydar Aliyev Azerbaijan Oil Refinery to process Russian crude oil.

The expected result is that the petroleum products produced at this refinery will be partially exported back to the Russian Federation, which will mark significant progress in energy cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan. Scheduled to be completed in the first quarter of 2024, these talks highlight joint efforts to optimize energy resources and strengthen regional energy security.

Despite the restrained nature of the discussions around these initiatives, it is appropriate to note that this topic did not occupy a prominent place in public statements during the recent visit of Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to Baku. Nevertheless, these behind-the-scenes discussions highlight the strategic importance of energy cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan, demonstrating a concerted effort to use their strengths for mutual benefit.

As negotiations progress and agreements are implemented, the integration of Russian oil into Azerbaijan's refining infrastructure has the potential to deepen economic ties between the two countries. This hidden but consistent development reflects the subtle dynamics of energy diplomacy and the key role it plays in shaping bilateral relations.

Toplum TV is under attack

06.03.24:   The head of the board of Platform III Republic, Akif Gurbanov, was detained as a suspect, said lawyer Shahla Gumbatova. According to her, Gurbanov is charged with actions provided for in Art. 206.3.2 (smuggling by prior conspiracy by a group of persons) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

06.03.24:   The United State is 'deeply troubled' by the reports that Azerbaijan police raided the office of independent media outlet Toplum TV, and by the reported arrests of multiple independent journalists and civil society activists in Azerbaijan today, as State Department's Spokesperson Matthew Miller put it, TURAN's Washington correspondent reports.

06.03.24:   A group of law enforcement officers came to the office of the online publication Toplum TV at around 4 pm on Wednesday and began a search.

07.03.24:    By midnight, Toplum TV employees Parvan Guryanly, Alya Agayeva, Jeyhun Hasanli, Jamila Azimova, Fidan Alijanova, Javid Ramazanov, Gulyeter Mahmudova, Samir Agazade, Sadig Mamedov, who were detained on March 6, were released from the main police department of the city of Baku. This was reported by the editor-in-chief of Toplum TV, Khadija Ismailova. Other Toplum TV employees Elmir Abbasov, Taleh Badalov, Khanlar Alizadeh, Mushvig Jabbarova and Farid Ismailov, members of the Institute of Democratic Initiatives Ali Zeynal and Ilkin Akhmedov, as well as members of Platform III Republic Akif Gurbanov and Ruslan Izzetli remained in the police.

08.03.24:    According to the organizers of the action, the police blocked the approaches to the site of the action at the Natavan monument and did not allow some participants to go there. At the beginning of the action, police officers snatched political posters from the activists. The picketers condemned domestic violence against women and demanded an end to it.

08.03.24:    Alesker Mammadli, a well-known media expert and founder of Toplum Tv, was detained by plainclothes officers.  Ruslan Izzetli, a member of the Platform III Republic, was also detained in front of the Khatai police building. Both are accused of smuggling.

"The attempt to silence the media is on the surface"

On March 6, the police raided the office of “Toplum TV”, as well as the apartments of several employees of the site, where funds in the amount of 2,700, 3,100, 20,000 euros were found. A lawsuit was filed against the journalists Farid Ismailov, Mushfig Jabbar, Ali Zeinal, Ramil Babayev, Elmir Abbasov and Ilkin Amrahov under Article 206.3.2 (smuggling).

On March 8, one of the founders of “Toplum TV”, lawyer Alesker Mammadli, was detained by plainclothes people in front of the “Istanbul” clinic. His apartment was later searched. It is alleged that 7,300 dollars were found in Alesker Mammadli's apartment. Alesker Mammadli was also charged under Article 206.3.2 of the Criminal Code (smuggling committed by a group of persons by prior agreement).

Earlier, on November 20 last year, arrests were made in connection with the case of “AbzasMedia”, which was known for its anti-corruption investigations.  First, the site's director Ulvi Hasanli, deputy director Muhammad Kekalov, and editor-in-chief Sevinj Vagifgizy were arrested. Later, investigative journalist Hafiz Babaly, Nargiz Absalamova and Elnara Gasimova were arrested. They were also charged under Article 206.3.2 of the Criminal Code (smuggling committed by a group of persons.)

On November 20, after Ulvi Hasanli was detained, the office of “AbzasMedia” was searched. It is alleged that 40 thousand euros were found during the search. After “AbzasMedia”, Aziz Orujev, the head of the “Channel 13” Internet television, and Shamo Eminov, an employee of this structure, were arrested on charges of smuggling. These arrests of employees of media agencies, which took place one after another in a similar scenario, are regarded by many media experts as repressions against the media.

Khalid Agaliyev, head of the Media Rights Group, comments on the arrest of journalists, the charges against them, and the latest operations against media structures in an interview with ASTNA.

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Question: What is the reason for these arrests?

Answer: For the 3rd year now, a new stage of regulation in the field of media has been underway in Azerbaijan. With the adoption of the new law, the transition to this regulation was carried out. The content and quality of the Law are controversial. Laws adopted by a member state of the Council of Europe must comply with the standards of this structure. However, this structure has made it clear that the Law does not meet these standards. Such transitions and the introduction of new regulations are always painful and difficult. At the same time, there was no favorable environment for the realization of media rights and freedom of expression in Azerbaijan. The widespread use of these rights was risky. I think that the totality of what has been said is the main reason.

Question: Why are the authorities taking these steps at a time of cooling relations with the West? What is the purpose of further straining the relationship?

Answer: As already mentioned, a new regulation is being introduced. We are also going through an extremely difficult period in a global sense. Usually, in such times, the rights to freedom of expression and the media are primarily subjected to pressure, become a target. In such difficult times with the daily changing reality, governments are more inclined to curb public opinion in order to calmly manage the situation.  In Azerbaijan, journalists were arrested at various stages, regardless of whether they had good or strained relations with anyone. Therefore, the reason for the most part is the general global environment.

Question: Is this step, as experts say, just a process of achieving the silence of the media and civil society, or are there other goals behind it?

Answer: Unfortunately, recent arrests have caused the shutdown of at least two independent media outlets. This is an extremely difficult result from the point of view that on the path of democratic development, free media play an important role in informing society. But these are only visible results. Disabling one or more media outlets, journalists, and creating a situation where they cannot perform their functions generally affects society, forcing it to self-censor.

Question: This question is not asked simply.  Recently, arrested journalists and representatives of civil society have been accused of smuggling. But where is the connection between journalism and smuggling?

Answer: Smuggling is a crime, a socially dangerous act. Criminal law provides for liability for this. The subject of this criminal act can be any conscious person who has reached the age of 16, whether he is a journalist or not. Practice shows that journalists have been convicted at various times on charges such as hooliganism, bodily harm, defamation and even treason. Following the consideration of most of these cases, the European Court ruled that the charges against them were unfounded.  The cases under consideration are similar to those. Getting acquainted with the information disseminated in the media about the arrest of journalists, one can conclude that it is possible that we are talking about a violation of the rules for obtaining grants.  And violation of these rules entails administrative liability.

Question: How will the processes go? Will the arrests continue? What can stop this process?

Answer: It is difficult to predict the development of processes from the point of view of media freedom and journalism in the current tense, difficult situation. What is obvious is that what is happening is an undesirable trend for a State governed by the rule of law. The opposite should happen, and a favorable environment should be created for media freedom and self-expression, which are so necessary for democratic development.

In the arms of NATO

17.03.24:    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg arrived in Baku, kicking off a three-day, tri-nation tour of the South Caucasus. Meeting with President Ilham Aliyev, the Secretary General welcomed Azerbaijan’s long-standing collaboration with the Alliance, saying he looked forward to further strengthening the partnership. Mr Stoltenberg welcomed the opportunity to discuss energy security, saying: “energy matters for our security and I welcome that Azerbaijan is developing closer and closer ties with several NATO Allies.” He further pointed to a track record of work on issues of mutual concern and thanked Azerbaijan for its contributions to NATO-led operations and missions – including in Kosovo and Afghanistan – since Azerbaijan joined NATO’s Partnership for Peace in 1994. The Alliance and Baku have also cooperated through NATO’s Science for Peace and Security programme on counter-terrorism and cyber security.

17.03.24:    Azerbaijan is committed to partnership with NATO, President Ilham Aliyev said  after negotiations with the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance Jens Stoltenberg. Recalling the “more than 30-year” history of the partnership of Azerbaijan and NATO, he noted the peacekeeping operations of the alliance in Kosovo and Afghanistan. “For us it was an excellent experience,“ said Aliyev. He also pointed out the reform of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan and the modernization of its defense capabilities. Taking advantage of his right to self -defense according to the UN Charter, Azerbaijan restored its integrity.

NATO's Delicate Dance in the South Caucasus: Balancing among geopolitical intricacies

In March 2024, the South Caucasus region celebrated an important but underestimated milestone: the 30th anniversary of its partnership with NATO under the Partnership for Peace (PFP) program. The visit of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia on March 17-19 highlighted this point, offering sharp reflections on the last three decades of cooperation and on future commitments.

Launched in 1994, the PFP was aimed at strengthening military cooperation between NATO and non-member states, primarily in Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet space. Initially, the program covered 24 countries, but some of its participants became full members of NATO, while cooperation with Russia and Belarus was suspended in 2014 and 2021, respectively. The objectives of the PFP include advancing military reforms, ensuring civilian control over the armed forces, and developing peacekeeping capabilities.

The different trajectories of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia in their relations with NATO reflect the complex geopolitical mosaic of the South Caucasus. Each country started with similar perspectives, but has since diverged in terms of political and military engagement with the Alliance.

Azerbaijan is an authoritarian country that does not meet European political standards in terms of the lack of freedom of choice and expression. And at the same time, he indirectly made a big leap in the transition to NATO military standards through close cooperation with Turkiye, the second army of the alliance after the United States. It was this transition to NATO standards that played an important role in Azerbaijan's victory over Armenia, which continued to develop its armed forces within the framework of the Soviet military doctrine. The only positive achievement of the partnership, which President Aliyev and Secretary General Stoltenberg mentioned not without pleasure in their speeches, is the energy security of Europe, to which the COP29 climate initiative was added. It was these two issues that the Secretary General called the tactical agenda for bilateral relations. It follows from the talks in Baku that Azerbaijan's "cautious" strategy of cooperation with NATO remains a priority.

Armenia. With the coming to power of Nikola Pashin in 2018, in the wake of the velvet revolution, which broke the chain of undemocratic elections, Armenia approached the construction of a new democracy, which did not weaken at all after the defeat in the war with Azerbaijan.  In the military field, the country continues to be torn between the CSTO and NATO, and quite unsuccessfully curtailing ties with the Russian military tradition. According to the latest Armenian statistics, Russia accounts for only 10% of the weapons purchased by the country. The Secretary General advised Yerevan to develop democratic initiatives and cooperation with NATO for the strategic security of Armenia and the region.

Georgia, after President Mikhail Saakashvili came to power in 2003 as a result of the Rose Revolution, made a romantic attempt to rapidly break into the NATO zone of influence, but was stopped by the Russian invasion in 2008, which ended with the rejection of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which blocked further aspirations to join the bloc. Joining the alliance is possible only if territorial integrity is restored, which forces Tbilisi to balance in a difficult dance between Brussels and Moscow. In these circumstances, Secretary General Stoltenberg sympathetically advised deepening democracy and reforms for the strategic, but not tactical, goal of joining NATO,

Undoubtedly, the main purpose of the NATO Secretary General's visit to the South Caucasus was to push Azerbaijan and Armenia to reach a peace treaty as soon as possible, which would eliminate Moscow's manipulation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict and thereby weaken Russia's influence on both countries. Aliyev and Pashinyan, each in their own way, declared their desire to achieve such a peace, but within the limits of what is possible. The view of the world, which includes the terms of the peace treaty, the demarcation of borders and the opening of communications, remains specific to Azerbaijan and Armenia, largely formed under pressure from the Kremlin.

Kremlin, which closely monitored Stoltenberg's movements between Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan, regarded the Secretary General's visit to the South Caucasus as another manifestation of an attempt to draw the countries of the South Caucasus into the Euro-Atlantic zone of influence. The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, commenting on the visit of the NATO Secretary General to the South Caucasus, made the following remark: "Recently, Western emissaries in the Armenian direction have become noticeably more active. In particular, they are pushing the Armenia-NATO Individually Adapted Partnership program. Their efforts are aimed at discrediting Yerevan's ties with Moscow, ideally, at completely curtailing our contacts, the Westerners do not hide this. Now they want to drive wedges into our relations with Baku."

During his three-day trip to the Caucasus, Stoltenberg tried to unite the diverse countries of the South Caucasus with ideas of solidarity with Ukraine, whose victory or defeat, according to Brussels, will determine the future of the South Caucasus. In both Yerevan and Tbilisi, the Secretary General noted that Russia's victory would lead to the spread of aggression against the region: "Russia has imperialist aspirations, Ukraine turned out to be an obstacle to their realization. That is why it is so important to continue our support."

Although the South Caucasus countries stand in solidarity with the struggling Ukraine, each of them builds its own national security system, where relations with Russia have specific moments. Azerbaijan has the most balanced relations with Russia, which has occupied an equidistant geopolitical position at the political level for many years and has been building priority economic and logistical relations with both the West and Russia. Armenia is rushing between the Western and northern alliances in the absence of peace with Azerbaijan, and cannot ignore the factor of Russia and its interests in the region. Georgia understands that its European integration is not possible without the restoration of territorial integrity, the keys to which are in the Kremlin. She is in search of a proper model for maintaining the balance of interests. And so far it has not been unsuccessful. "We understand that NATO membership depends not only on our desires. A consensus must be reached among all the countries (of the alliance) in order to grant Georgia membership in NATO. We are not naive and understand that Georgia has territorial problems. We must first resolve these issues and then become a member of NATO," then Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili said in June 2022.

The Prime Minister added that the policy of the Georgian government is to "restore territorial integrity and sovereignty through peaceful negotiations."

Based on the results of the visit of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia it can be  noted that, against the background of escalating tensions between Moscow and Brussels, NATO's position on strengthening cooperation in the South Caucasus remains cautious and balanced, especially in light of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. With the specter of war looming over Eastern Europe, the Alliance is hesitant to openly increase its involvement in the Caucasus regionuntil the Ukrainian crisis is resolved.

Geopolitical intricacies require a subtle approach from NATO, which has to balance between asserting its influence in the South Caucasus and avoiding further exacerbation of tensions with Russia. Consequently, strategic decisions on expanding cooperation in the region are postponed until the post-war period, as NATO faces difficulties and uncertainties related to the Ukrainian conflict.

Exclaves for Azerbaijan

22.03.24:    Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's recent announcement in the Armenian parliament regarding the return of several villages to Azerbaijan has stirred discussions and raised pertinent questions about border delimitation, security, and historical precedents. Pashinyan, in his address, delineated a series of villages and their corresponding locations, signifying Armenia's willingness to engage in a comprehensive border delimitation process, particularly in the Tavush region.

How should the issue of village-exclaves be resolved?

On March 18, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited Tavush and held meetings with residents of the villages of Voskepar, Baganis, Kirants. Armenian media reports that Nikol Pashinyan took with him to the area a mock-up of the map of Armenia, which he showed at the last press conference, in order to more clearly demonstrate to residents which territories he would give to Azerbaijan and where the new road would lead. Pashinyan said at a meeting with residents of the border villages of Tavush region that Yerevan can make concessions to Baku. He said that if Baku does not make concessions on the issue of border villages-exclaves of Soviet times, then there may be a war. The talk is about 4 border villages of Gazakh, which are still under occupation.

Nikol Pashinyan, during his speech in Parliament after this meeting, said that "the village of Baganis  is Armenian and the village of Baganis of Ayrim is  in Azerbaijan. Let's remember that this is not the same village. The village of Baganis Ayrim was located in Azerbaijan during the Soviet period. It is located opposite the Armenian village of Baganis. The villages of Voskepar, Kirants and Berkaber of Armenia are located opposite the villages of Ashagi Eskipara, Heyrimli and Gizilhadzhily of Azerbaijan, and the delimitation will take place between these villages."

On March 24, a message appeared about the detention of members of the Combat Brotherhood association in Armenia. The police told Azatutyun that 24 people were detained and transferred to the territorial divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on suspicion of illegal carrying and possession of weapons. It is reported that the armed group tried to create a resistance movement, opposing the transfer of villages occupied in the Kazakh region to Azerbaijan.

Political commentator Oktay Gasimov answers questions from ASTNA on the matter.

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Question: Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said at a meeting with residents of the border villages of Tavush region on March 18 that Yerevan could make concessions to Baku. He said that if Baku does not make concessions on the issue of border villages-exclaves of Soviet times, then there may be a war. The talk is about 4 border villages of Gazakh, which are still under occupation. How do you think this problem will be solved?

Answer:  Pashinyan's statements during a visit to villages bordering with Gazakh, and his meetings with the population there, actually reflect reality. The opinions expressed by Pashinyan during his visit to the villages bordering with Gazakh and meetings with the population there actually reflect the realities. I am in favor of considering this issue from two points of view. First, Pashinyan actually knows all the realities perfectly well. On the other hand, it should be borne in mind that the first version of the trilateral statement of November 10 reflected the provision on the return of 7 villages of Gazakh and 1 village of Nakhchivan. In later versions, this paragraph was deleted from the statement. The information spread at that time was that Nikol Pashinyan stated that this issue could worsen the already tense situation in Armenia, and for this reason it was said that he gave certain guarantees regarding the resolution of the issue after a certain period of time. But over the past time, we have not seen any steps by the Armenian side on this issue. In May last year, Pashinyan, after a meeting in Brussels, said in a press statement that he recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan in numbers and that these territories include the former Nagorno-Karabakh, including enclave villages. It was a positive approach. But although this issue was discussed at the beginning of the peace process and was the subject of negotiations, it was not made public.  For the first time, it was officially raised during a telephone conversation between the President of Azerbaijan and Charles Michel in October, and this information was presented to the public. In the subsequent period, certain negotiations were held between Azerbaijan and Armenia on this issue. In particular, these issues were discussed by the Boundary delimitation Commission. Azerbaijan has already determined a specific position on this issue. Thus, in a statement received from the office of Deputy Prime Minister Shahin Mustafayev, the position is stated according to which 4 villages that are not exclaves should be immediately returned, and the issue of the remaining 4 villages can be resolved in the process of delimitation. Armenia, of course, must return these 4 villages. Because the date when all these villages were occupied is known.  These villages are marked as Azerbaijani territories on maps of the last Soviet period, which are most often referred to by Armenians, and during their occupation they were presented in official reports as Azerbaijani. That is, Armenia, including Pashinyan, knows about the seriousness of the issue. In fact, Pashinyan conveyed certain messages to the Armenian society that delaying or resolving this issue may indeed cause serious tension in the future.

Therefore, steps must be taken in this regard. At that meeting, Pashinyan made a very correct point. To get what is ours, we must give away what does not belong to us.  From this point of view, I think that if there are no changes in the position of the Armenian authorities, especially Prime Minister Pashinyan, then this issue will be resolved peacefully. In the near future, within a few months, this issue may find its solution without any tension. Pashinyan's visit to Tavush was followed by his visit to Brussels. There he met with French officials and other heads of state. If Pashinyan was not given some kind of stimulating, obstructive instructions from France, then the return of these villages can be resolved peacefully.

Question: Nikol Pashinyan, during his speech in Parliament after this meeting, said that "the village of Baganis of Armenia and the village of Baganis of Ayrim of Azerbaijan. Let's remember that this is not the same village. The village of Baganis Ayrim was located in Azerbaijan during the Soviet period. It is located opposite the Armenian village of Baganis. The villages of Voskepar, Kirants and Berkaber of Armenia are located opposite the villages of Ashagi Eskipara, Heyrimli and Gizilhajily of Azerbaijan, and the delimitation will take place between these villages." What does it mean? First he says that concessions should be made, and then he denies that these villages are in Armenia.

Answer: Nikol Pashinyan's statements also contain ideas about an alleged concession to Azerbaijan, although there can be no question of any concessions here. As we have already noted, all the villages listed by Pashinyan are Azerbaijani. The population consisted of Azerbaijanis. Both during the Republic and in Soviet times, these villages were administrative territories of Azerbaijan. From this point of view, these contradictory statements by Pashinyan cast a shadow on the process to some extent. But Pashinyan is trying to use these contradictory ideas more for an internal audience. He voices certain truths and then contradicts himself. It's like he's trying to reduce the tension in society to some extent. From this point of view, we should pay more attention not to his statements, but to his actions. And we must evaluate these actions.

Question: After Pashinyan's voyage to these villages, many experts predicted that a "resistance movement" would begin in these areas in the near future. And so it happened. It is reported that members of the Combat Brotherhood association were detained in Armenia. It is reported that the armed group tried to create a resistance movement, opposing the transfer of the occupied villages of Gazakh to Azerbaijan. What does Armenia want to demonstrate with this scenario?

A: There are also a large number of paramilitary terrorist organizations in Armenia. One of them is the above-mentioned movement "United Combat Brotherhood". Like the organizations Yerkrapa, ASALA (Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia) and VOMA, this organization is paramilitary. There are well-known truths in the opinions expressed that there will be resistance to this issue in Armenia. Thus, the Armenian opposition, especially the parliamentary opposition, including the 5th column, the Armenian Church and similar organizations mentioned by us, oppose the return of these villages to Azerbaijan. Even former Defense Minister Ohanyan and former Prime Minister Bagratyan called on the army not to obey even Pashinyan's orders, which in itself is a crime. Over the past 4 years, we have heard a lot of statements about these resistance movements in Armenia. Some time ago, members of this organization arrived in the territory of the Lachyn region. Allegedly, they will carry out some kind of actions against Azerbaijan. And then the Armenian police in Goris brought them back.  And they disappeared after that. Some steps will be taken in connection with this resistance. But if Pashinyan's government behaves constructively on this issue, then the number of those resisting will be less. The attitude towards this issue in the Armenian society will more clearly show the level of protest actions.

Question: How, in addition to these villages, should the issue of 4 exclave villages in Armenia and 1 enclave in Azerbaijan be resolved?

Answer: This can be resolved when the delimitation commission actually gets to work. This issue was discussed during the process and it can be resolved in an appropriate form, in a form that does not infringe on the interests of the parties. Since the Armenians also claim Bashkend, located on the territory of Gedabey. It is for this reason that the parties may also come to certain compromises on this issue during the process. That is, these villages will be returned to Azerbaijan. It's just that two villages are particularly notable among these villages.  These are the Yukhars (Upper) Askipara and Kerki. Thus, the Armenian side seriously believes that if these villages are returned to Azerbaijani control, problems may arise in Armenia's relations with both Georgia and Iran. Since the international highways connecting both countries with Armenia pass through the territory of these villages. 

(The area of the Armenian settlement of Bashkend (Artsvashen), captured by the Azerbaijani army in 1992, is 40 square kilometers.  During the same period, the Armenian army occupied seven villages of the Gazakh region of Azerbaijan and the village of Kerki in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

Yukhary Askipara - 8.6 sq. km (exclave)

Ashagi Askipara - 9.1 sq. km

Baganis Ayrim — 40 sq. km

Barkhudarly — 10.1 (exclave)

Sofulu — 22 sq. km (exclave)

Gizil Hajıly — 11 sq. km

Hayrimley — 4.1

Kerki  (Nakhichevan)— 19,2 (exclave)

Three of the villages listed above in Gazakh and the village of Kyarki in Nakhchivan are exclaves, that is, they are surrounded by the territory of Armenia. Other villages are located on the border. The total area of the occupied villages of the Gazakh region and one village of NAR is 124 square kilometers, which exceeds the area of the settlement of Bashkend three times. - by Kamran Mahmudov.)

Question: How should the issue of border villages be resolved in general? During the delimitation process or before it?

Answer: The issue of these villages should be resolved in the form proposed by Azerbaijan. The fate of 4 villages that are not exclaves must be resolved before the delimitation process, they must be returned to Azerbaijan. And the issue of 4 other villages can be resolved in the process of delimitation.   If Armenia approaches this issue constructively, it can be resolved in this way.  If they try to artificially delay the process again, and Armenia shies away from the process, then, of course, tension may arise. Then the case can be directed in a different direction. That is, if Armenia, through its foreign patrons, hinders the process, then Azerbaijan will have no choice but to resolve this issue by force.

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