21st International Anti-Corruption Conference Adopts Resolution in Support of Gubad Ibadoglu

21st International Anti-Corruption Conference Adopts Resolution in Support of Gubad Ibadoglu

The 21st International Anti-Corruption Conference (IAC) held in Vilnius on June 19 rallied behind Azerbaijani economist and political activist Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu, condemning what it termed as the alarming criminalization of anti-corruption advocates worldwide.

The conference resolution decried the escalating persecution faced by those who expose corruption, highlighting cases where journalists, human rights defenders, and activists are targeted with impunity. It called on governments globally to take immediate steps to ensure the safety and freedom of individuals advocating for transparency and justice.

Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu, known for his activism in human rights and environmental causes, was arrested nearly a year ago following his critical publication on Azerbaijan's oil and gas policies. He faces up to 17 years in prison under charges related to alleged financial crimes, amidst allegations of police brutality against him and his family.

"We demand the immediate dropping of all charges against him," the conference statement read, underscoring the solidarity of the global anti-corruption movement with Ibadoglu and his family.

The IAC resolution further emphasized the need for democratic and inclusive societies, calling on authorities to cease the harassment and persecution of activists like Ibadoglu. It condemned what it termed as complicit governmental inaction in protecting those defending justice and transparency.

Ibadoglu, detained since July 2023, has been charged under Azerbaijan's Criminal Code with offenses including alleged involvement in counterfeit activities and later, religious extremism. A recent court decision in Baku released him on health grounds in April 2024, though calls persist for his complete exoneration.

"We stand united with all individuals worldwide facing similar persecutions," the resolution concluded, urging global leaders to uphold fundamental freedoms and protect those risking their lives for accountability and fairness.


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