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Kiev/24.03.22/UNIAN: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says NATO leaders have agreed to help Ukraine more after an appeal by President Volodymyr Zelensky. According to an UNIAN correspondent, Stoltenberg said this at a briefing after the emergency summit of the heads of state and government of the Alliance member states.

“The people of Ukraine are resisting with courage and determination, fighting for their freedom and future. We are on their side. President Zelensky addressed us with a passionate speech, thanking NATO allies for the significant support we provide, and noted the vital need for even more military assistance ", Stoltenberg said.

According to him, NATO leaders today agreed to provide further support for Ukraine and "introduce an unprecedented price for Russia." He stressed that the allies are staffing the Armed Forces of Ukraine through significant military supplies, including anti-tank and anti-aircraft systems, as well as unmanned vehicles. According to him, this assistance has already proved to be highly effective. Also, the member countries of the Alliance provide significant financial and humanitarian assistance.

"Today we agreed to do more, including cybersecurity assistance and equipment to help Ukraine defend itself against biological, chemical, radiation and nuclear threats," Stoltenberg said.

He explained that this could include equipment to detect and protect against these threats, medical assistance, as well as the provision of training for infection and crisis management.

"We are determined to do everything possible to support Ukraine, and I welcome the concrete offers of assistance made by the allies today," he added. Stoltenberg said that NATO member countries listened carefully to the proposals of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

At the same time, he recalled that Ukraine is receiving lethal weapons, modern systems that help shoot down enemy aircraft and attack battle tanks, as well as many other types of assistance.—0—


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