ECHR launches an investigation of violation of freedom of information complaints

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has launched an investigation into more than 10 complaints about the violation of Azerbaijan's freedom of information. According to the ECHR website, complaints related to the non-public information about the expenditure of public funds by the Government. In all these affairs government agencies ignored the applicants' requests for information, or the answers were not complete.

The applicants are the Media Rights Institute, Center for Assistance to Economic Initiatives, Association of Assistance to Free Economy, the Committee to Protect the rights of oil workers as well as journalists: Rovshan Hajiyev, Yashar Agazade, Natig Adilov, lawyers: Fariz Namazly and Khalid Agaliyev.

The defendants were SOCAR, the Cabinet of Ministers, of AzTV, the Milli Mejlis, the Ministry of Health, BSU. The complaints raise issues of violations of Articles 6 (right to a fair trial), 10 (freedom of expression) and 13 (right to an effective legal remedy.) Complaints  were compiled by the Institute of Media Law. ECHR gave the government time to respond  the  questions until May of  next year.—06D-

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