The public launches a campaign in defense of NIDA Movement activists

Socio-political movement EL together with other political parties and public associations  will start  campaign for the rights of the arrested seven activists of the  NIDA youth organization. 

On March 7, were arrested activists Bakhtiyar Guliyev, Shahin Novruzlu and Mamed Azizov. They were accused of preparing acts of violence during the upcoming protest on March 10 against the soldiers’ deaths. According to the investigation, explosives and drugs were found in the apartments of activists. However, their relatives said that the  explosive substances were planted by the employees of law enforcement agencies. On March 14 was arrested another activist of  NIDA, Rashad Hasanov. International human rights organization Amnesty International has recognized detainees "prisoners of conscience."

On March 30 were arrested two more members of the NIDA Board, Rashadat Akhundov and  Uzeir Mammadli, and on April 1 - Zaur Gurbanli.

According to the leader of  EL Movement , Eldar  Namazov, the older generation   support the youth in the struggle for democratic changes. He said that the arrested activist of NIDA, Rashadat Akhundov, was the coordinator of the youth project EL “Transition to Democracy,” which is supposed to start on April 15. Now Akhundov’s friends will replace him. 

Chief of staff of the "Musavat" party, Arif Hajili, said that today’s   youth reminds the younger generation  of the late 80s by their  assertiveness and commitment to democracy. "But even the Soviet regime was not so merciless to young people, as the current regime,"  said Hajili.

He noted that qualitatively new youth movement,  most of which get higher education abroad,   is in the country. 

"We must unite and show that the arrests do not  impaired, but and further reinforce the protest movement,"  said Hajili.

The Director of Media Rights Institute (MRI), Rashid Hajili, noted the need to ensure all young arrested people with lawyers. He encouraged young people in detention not to testify without lawyers chosen by them. 

"The new wave of youth movement will lead to the construction in Azerbaijan a new democratic state," said Hajili, proposing to start a campaign of collecting signatures in support of the arrested.

Board member  of NIDA, Turgut Gambar, told about measures  of  legal protection of prisoners. According to him, only the parents  of Bakhtiyar Guliyev refuse to  contact with members of NIDA, saying that they themselves have hired a lawyer. 

The family members  of Novruzlu Shahin, who also hired a lawyer themselves, support relations with NIDA Movement.   The rest arrested are protected by the  lawyers known among the democratic public.

The lawyer  of Zaur Gurbanli, Khalid Bagirov said that the investigation is conducted with serious violations of procedural rules. So, Gurbanli  was actually kidnapped by persons in plain clothes in broad daylight in the center of the city, in front of Opera and Ballet Theater.

Nasimi district court  formally considered the arrest,  did not investigate the validity of the evidence of the investigation. The court's decision will be appealed.

According to  the lawyer, all seven arrested activists will be brought to justice together.

Mother of Gurbanli said he is proud of his son and does not recognize the "power of Azerbaijan."

"My son was arrested again.  By arresting young people  the  authorities  are digging their own grave. Today I myself will join the  NIDA Movement. I am a teacher and I encourage all teachers to rise up against the regime. How can I endure the humiliation  from  School Directors, our  salary  is  100 manat?" said Gurbanova.-16C06—


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