Matthew Miller

Matthew Miller

Washington D.C./12.09.23/Turan:  The United States said on Monday that it does not recognize the results of the so-called presidential elections held by Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh, TURAN's Washington correspondent reports.

"We have consistently stressed this need to open routes in Nagorno-Karabakh and for a dialogue between the parties. While it is important that Nagorno-Karabakh have credible representatives for this process, we do not recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as an independent and sovereign state, and therefore we do not recognize the results of those so-called presidential elections that were announced over the last few days," State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller told a daily press briefing when responding to TURAN's questions.

The U.S. "will continue to strongly support efforts by Armenia and Azerbaijan to resolve outstanding issues through direct dialogue," the spokesperson continued.

Miller also spoke about the recent conversation between Antony Blinken and the leaders of both Armenia and Azerbaijan over the weekend while the Secretary was traveling – one call from New Delhi, one call from Hanoi.

"We are deeply concerned about the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation in Nagorno-Karabakh. We repeat our call, as the Secretary did in a statement over the weekend, for the immediate and simultaneous opening of the Lachin and Aghdam routes to allow passage of desperately needed humanitarian supplies to the men and women and children in Nagorno-Karabakh," he said, adding "We urge the leaders, as the Secretary did in his calls, against taking any actions that raise tensions or distract from this goal."

When asked if Blinken raised the issue of human rights in Azerbaijan — including the case of Gubad Ibadoghlu — during his calls with Aliyev, M/iller said he had no specific readout on that. "These calls were about the crisis situation on the ground right now and trying to resolve it," he added.

Alex Raufoglu

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