15 Azerbaijani citizens detained in Syria were brought to the country

Baku/06.10.22/Turan: On October 6, 15 Azerbaijani citizens detained in Amerna camp in Jarablus, Syria were repatriated.
According to the press service department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, bringing people to the country took place as a result of phased and coordinated measures taken by the government of Azerbaijan.

"First of all, the location, identity and affiliation to Azerbaijani citizenship of the citizens to be repatriated to the homeland were determined, and then, based on the agreement reached, their transit through the territory of Turkey was ensured. Representatives of the relevant state institutions, which are part of the working group on the repatriation of Azerbaijani citizens from Iraq and Syria, were sent to Turkey, the repatriates were subjected to preliminary medical and psychological examination, and necessary assistance was provided. Citizens were repatriated by Ankara-Baku flight on October 6. After the completion of the necessary procedures, the repatriates will be handed over to their families," the information states. .

It should be recalled that so far 393 children and women have been repatriated to the country, including 290 from Iraq and 103 from Syria. -03-

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