Chief Architect and Head of the Department of the  Psychiatric Hospital Arrested in Lankaran

Baku/06.10.22/Turan: The head of the architectural and construction department of the Executive Power of the Lankaran region - chief architect Elgun Abdullayev was detained red-handed while receiving a bribe by employees of the main anti-corruption department. 

According to the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office, Abdullayev demanded various amounts of bribes from individual citizens who applied to him for paperwork for individual houses and non-residential premises, as well as for coordinating the projects of these buildings.

The head of the department of the psychiatric hospital, Nasreddin Nuriyev, was also detained; he is suspected of issuing medical documents with false information to determine the degree of disability.

Abdullayev was charged under the Article 311.3.2 (repeated bribe-taking) of the Criminal Code and, by a court decision, he was taken into custody.

Nuriyev is charged under  the Articles 311.1 (taking a bribe) and 313 (official forgery) of the Criminal Code.

Because of his old age, he was placed under house arrest.—06B-

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