Azercell “Telegram Bot” – your new guide in digital world!

The leading mobile operator launches innovative “Telegram Bot” service

Aiming to offer the best customer experience to its subscribers, “Azercell Telecom” LLC continues to enrich its digital product portfolio. The leading mobile operator presents innovative and user-friendly “Telegram Bot” service, which allows to carry out several operations without applying to Customer Care Services.

In order to benefit from the service it is required to  download Telegram mobile app,  which supports both IOS and Android operation system from Play Store or App Store,  go to link and click “Start”. In response, Bot will present a menu consisting of 7 sections.

My Number: Providing the mobile number and password registered in Azercell’s “Kabinetim” app, the subscriber may get information on the number and fulfill various operations (current tariff/internet pack control, get balance information).

Tariffs: Detailed information on Azercell’s current tariff base and terms of subscription. 

Services: Detailed information on Azercell’s local and roaming services and terms of subscription.

Internet: Detailed information on Azercell’s internet packs and terms of subscription.

Azercell+:  Detailed information on Azercell’s new generation digital solutions and terms of subscription.

Campaigns: Detailed information on Azercell’s voice and data campaigns.

Contact US:  Subscribers can find “the nearest Azercell representative office” based on subscriber’s current location or switch to Online Customer Services of Azercell.

Pursuing the continuous expansion of functional capabilities of “Telegram Bot” service, the mobile operator calls everyone to discover digital world with Azercell!®


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