Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/19.03.22/Turan: Heavy rains that took place on the night of March 19 in the southern region of Azerbaijan caused floods in rivers, short-term mudflows and floods.

In a number of settlements of the Masalli and Jalilabad regions, some private houses, household plots, sown areas and other objects were flooded, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan reports.

The forces of various services of the department were involved in providing assistance to the population and eliminating the consequences of a natural disaster in the villages of Mollaoba, Badalan, Teze Alvady of the Masalli region, the city of Jalilabad and the village of Badjiravan.

As a result of prompt and urgent measures, 39 people were evacuated. The Ministry of Emergency Situations called on the population to follow safety rules due to rainy weather, to stay away from flood zones and areas where there is a risk of mudflows.—06B-


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