No Precipitation Expected at End of November
Baku / 27.11.17 / Turan: On Tuesday in Baku and on the Absheron peninsula the weather will be mostly without precipitation. Drizzle is expected in several areas at night and in the morning. The air temperature will be + 2 + 5 degrees Celsius at night and + 9 + 12 by day. No precipitation is expected in Baku and Absheron on November 29-30 either.
On November 28 precipitation is expected in the northern and eastern regions of the country. The air temperature will be from -2 to + 3 degrees at night and + 9 +13 by day. In the mountains it is expected to be -1 -6 at night and + 2 + 7 by day. -06D-
Two activists of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) were detained in Baku and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic on January 15, the opposition organization said in a statement.
As part of its ongoing commitment to foster community development and women empowerment, the leading mobile operator of the country continues implementing its impactful initiatives
The black boxes from the AZAL aircraft have been returned to Kazakhstan from Brazil and handed over to the investigation commission for analysis of the aviation accident that occurred near Aktau Airport on December 25, Kazakhstan's General Prosecutor's Office reported.
On January 15, the State Agency for Preschool and General Education announced that the use of smartphones, smartwatches, and tablets during the school day is prohibited, except in special cases.
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