Samir Ashurov

Samir Ashurov

Baku/09.08.22/Turan: The Nizami district police department has completed a preliminary investigation into a criminal case against Samir Ashurov, an activist expelled from Germany, who is accused of intentionally causing grievous bodily harm and hooliganism. The materials on the case were sent to the Baku Serious Crimes Court for consideration. The case was transferred to the proceedings of the judiciary under the chairmanship of Muhammad Akparov. The preparatory hearing of the court is scheduled for August 19.

* Samir Ashurov was expelled from Germany on March 29 of this year, and 20 days later he was detained by the police in Baku. He was accused of inflicting a knife wound on a certain Elshan Nabiev (Article 126.2.4 of the Criminal Code - Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm out of hooligan motives). He faces 6 to 11 years in prison.

On July 21, Ashurov was charged under another Article of the Criminal Code - 221.3 (hooliganism committed with the use of a weapon or an object used as a weapon) of the Criminal Code. Human rights activists recognized Ashurov as a "political prisoner". --30V06--

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