Vilayət Eyvazov və Kamran Əliyev

Vilayət Eyvazov və Kamran Əliyev

Baku/27.01.22/Turan: In September 2021, in the Gazakh region, a police officer, driving a car without a driver's license, made an accident, breaking another car. The people in the other car were injured and taken to the hospital. However, this officer never suffered any punishment. Baku resident Sona Muradova told Turan that the accident happened on September 28.

“On the outskirts of Gazakh, where traffic is limited to 30-40 kilometers, a policeman named Imran Geyushev hit my car at high speed. As it turned out, he did not have a driver's license, and the car was in the name of a man named Asif Aliyev,” she said.  The force of the impact was so great that Muradova's car run into the wall, and Muradova herself and her daughter were injured.

“We were injured, the car was completely destroyed, but the person responsible for the accident refused to compensate for the damage (more than 12,000 manats), saying that he was a policeman and no one would do anything to him,” Muradova said. The victim filed a complaint with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Office of the Ombudsman.

“In the response of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it was said that on October 5, the Gazakh police department conducted an examination, an investigation is underway, and my appeal was sent to the Gazakh prosecutor's office. Four months have already passed, but there is no solution,” the victim says.

In early January, the inspector of the press service of the Ganja regional group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Ganja, Eshgin Gasimov, confirmed to Turan the fact of an accident on September 28 in Gazakh with the participation of a policeman.

“Police officers conducted an appropriate investigation at the scene of the accident, and an autotechnical examination was appointed.

According to preliminary data, a Mitsubishi car driven by a resident of Baku Sona Muradova and an Opel car driven by a district inspector of the Gazakh region, police lieutenant Imran Geyushev collided. As a result of the accident, Sona Muradova and Maya Bagirova, who was with her in the car, were injured and were taken to the Gazakh Central Hospital.

At present, the investigation is ongoing at the police department, and a legal assessment will be given based on its results,” Gasimov said. He also confirmed that the police officer was driving without a driver's license. “For this he was brought to administrative responsibility.”

It is noteworthy that so far not a single department has bothered to tell Muradova what the results of the accident investigation are, who is to blame and who is punished.

Her complaints and appeals remained unanswered. She is not even given the results of a medical examination. Farid Rustamov, an investigator of the Gazakh police who is entrusted with the investigation, does not answer calls and refuses to inform about the progress of the investigation.

The response of the prosecutor's office of the city of Gazakh to Turan's request for the results of the investigation of this case, to put it mildly, caused surprise. "There were no victims in this case, so this is not the case of the prosecutor's office," a representative of the department said.

In turn, the Prosecutor General's Office of the country Turan was told that if Sona Muradova is dissatisfied with the investigation, she can contact the prosecutor's office ...

The heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office at the collegiums briskly report on ensuring the rights of citizens about the constant improvement of the situation. However, one gets the impression that in Azerbaijan an ordinary citizen who has suffered from the arbitrariness of an official should start a hunger strike, arrange an act of self-immolation in front of the police or prosecutor's office, or throw himself from the fifth floor so that someone pays attention to his problem? -0-


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