Zamin Salayev

Zamin Salayev

Baku/11.05.23/Turan: On May 11, the trial in the case of Zamin Salayev, the chairman of the Salyan  regional  organization of the Popular Front Party, who is on a hunger strike for the 94th day demanding his release, began in the Garadagh district Court.

At the trial Salaev repeated that he did not  attack the victim with a knife and the accusation was completely fabricated in order to punish him for his opposition activities. During the  trial, the victim and two witnesses were also heard. According to the PPFA, these persons have previously been convicted of drug-related crimes and cooperate with the police. The defense petitioned to request data on the location of the victim's mobile phone 12 hours before the incident and 8 hours after it. However, the court did not grant the petition. The next court session is scheduled for May 17.

The PPFA noted that  salayev's helath on the 94th day of the hunger strike is very serious. He has already lost 47 kg., his blood pressure has dropped to 60/40. Some time ago, he fell into a coma and an urgent medical intervention was carried out.

* On February 8, the Garadagh District Court of Baku arrested Salayev for three months. A criminal case has been initiated against him under Article 221.3 of the Criminal Code. The activist faces up to 5 years in prison.

Zamin Salayev said in court that the accusation is false and he is being punished for criticizing the authorities in social networks. Human rights activists recognized Salayev as a political prisoner. --B06--

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