Gəncə. Nizami Gəcəvinin türbəsi

Gəncə. Nizami Gəcəvinin türbəsi

The attempt on the murder of the odious Mayor of Ganja, Elmar Veliyev, on July 3 by Yunis Safarov, a native of this second important city of Azerbaijan, is based on various versions. Two of them prevail. The first is Safarov's revenge for the slandered honor of his sister. It was the main version for two days after the assassination, and was called as characteristic of Ganja, after the city was headed by Elmar Veliyev. He is described as a dissolute, uncultured, rude and cruel person.

From the archive of Turan agency

Baku/18.08.11/Turan: On 17 August the employees of Ganja bureau ANS TV Tahmina Tagizade and Fuad Rzaev were pressured by the police during performing their professional duties. As reported by the Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety, The ANS staff were shooting the demolition of the architectural building "Memarlyg Evi", built in 1910.

"The police officers did not allow us to enter the territory where the house was demolished. We were roughly pushed out, and they forced us to leave the territory. At that moment, the head of the executive power of Ganja, Elmar Veliyev, phoned my cell phone and began to insult me ​​and threaten me. After that, one of the policemen threatened that if we did not obey, Fuad Rzayev would be thrown into the pocket of the operator," said Tahmina Tagizade.

The second version was launched on July 5 in the form of audio speech. An anonymous woman, who introduced herself as Safarov's ex-wife, refuting the first version, stated that the motive for Yunis's actions was a long and consistent insult of Ganja residents by Veliyev, and the persecution of Shiite Muslims. She called Yunis the punishing hand of Allah. Thus, an anonymous source, in fact, presents a religious interpretation of what happened and motives for Safarov's actions. This version was reinforced in law enforcement agencies, which ranked Yunis to a radical religious trend.

That is, there is an attempt to expose Veliyev as a victim and even a hero in the struggle against religious extremism, the supporter of President Aliyev in the western region of Azerbaijan. But Veliyev struggled with extremism in an inherent manner.

From the archive of Turan agency

Baku/02.12.11/Turan: "Bizim Yol": The Head of the Caucasus Muslims Department, Allahshukur Pashazade, complained to the presidential administration against the head of the executive power of Ganja city Elmar Veliyev. The latter stated that the collected donations should be directed to repair the place of pilgrimage of the Shiites - the tomb of Imamzadeh.

According to the informed sources, it becomes known that Safarov did not shoot Veliyev at all. The information that he wounded Veliyev from pistol was launched initially and has not been refuted until now.

According to sources, Safarov fired two shots at Veliyev's bodyguard, but could not fire at the head of Veliyev, as the gun stuck. He run to the fleeing Veliyev, knocked him on the head twice with a pistol; Veliyev fell, striking his head against the curb. This this information is confirmed by the fact the fact that the dean of the medical faculty of the Bahçeşehar University, Turkel Klych, who was treating the well-known Turkish chanson Ibrahim Tatlises, who was injured in the head as a result of the assassination attempt, was invited from Turkey.

The latest new facts show that the circle in power, which includes Elmar Veliyev, may plan his further appointment to the post of the Mayor of Baku, which remains vacant. The fact of nine years ago speaks in favor of this information.

From the archive of Turan agency

Baku/06.09.19/Turan: A few days ago, a number of media disseminated information about the involvement of the vice-mayor of Ganja in the investigation into the murder. However, a day later the information was refuted both by the leadership of Ganja and the Prosecutor General's Office. Two days later, another refutation followed from the head of the executive power of Ganda Eldar Azizov.

It is noteworthy that the scandal began in the absence of the head of state in the country, and the information came from the media close to the Ministry of Emergency Situations Kamaladdin Heydarov. According to informed sources, the reason for such information was the desire to dismiss Eldar Azizov, and there was a candidate for his post. the place of which already has an applicant.

At that time, the candidate to this post was considered Elmar Veliyev, the head of the Yevlakh region. It was impossible to dismiss Azizov. However, two years later, on June 30, 2011, Veliyev was appointed instead of Veliyev by the order of the President.

Practically, after Veliyev left the region of Yevlakh on August 11, 2011, a businessman Bahram Mamedov held a press conference at which he announced the insider seizure of the Yevlakh bus terminal by Veliyev, where 70% belonged to Mamedov. In March 2009, a 2,2-hectare bus station entered the construction site, demolished the buildings and constructed other facilities of the new owner.

On the equipment was written "ZQAN-Holdinq" (the company of the Minister of Transport), although the works were carried out by the company "Ipek Yolu", owned by Elmar Veliyev, the then head of the executive power of Yevlakh, and now of Ganja, reported economic expert Zohrab Ismail, who noted that Veliyev is behind this company unofficially. In Yevlakh Veliyev acted in a manner peculiar to him.

From the archive of Turan agency

Baku/27.05.08/Turan: The Mingachevir city prosecutor's office filed a lawsuit on the fact of a car accident on May 25, as a result of which the native of Yevlakh, Feyruz Nasibov, was killed. Yusif Gojayev, the assistant to the prosecutor of the city of Mingachevir, told Turan that the lawsuit is being conducted according to the Articles: 263 (violation of traffic rules), 264 (escaping the road accident) and 228 (illegal possession of firearms). According to Gojayev, three people were detained in this case.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on May 25 in Mingachevir a resident of Yevlakh Safar Rzayev, in a BMW car, pursued his compatriot Shaig Mammadov, who ran the Nissan car and eventually hit the car from behind. As a result, the passenger of the car "Nissan" Feiruz Nasibov was killed.

Rzayev, along with his passengers, residents of Yevlakh and Barda - Ilham Seyidov and Salekh Aliyev, tried to escape from the scene, but were detained. Near the scene of the accident, was found a pistol of the stamp ME-38 Kompakt, thrown by Rzayev.

According to the newspaper Azadlig, Feyruz Nasibov was the owner of the Yevlakh grain combine. The Yeni Musavat newspaper reported that Nasibov was killed not in an accident, but was shot by the order of the Chief executive of the region Elmar Veliyev. Elmar Veliyev is the brother of the military prosecutor of the country, Khanlar Veliyev.


After the appointment Elmar Veliyev as the head of the Ganja executive power, he started as open conflict with the head of the local police, General Rasim Musayev, as a result of which in January 2013 Musayev beat Veliyev for the obscene behavior. Musayev was known for the fact that under Azizov he neutralized in Ganja the criminal actions of persons who had broad support of one of the groups surrounded by the president, for which he received the rank of General. In February 2013, Musayev was appointed head of the Internal Affairs Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On 4 February the Azadliq newspaper published an article on this topic, calling the appointment of the former chief of police of Ganja, Rasim Musayev, the head of the Internal Affairs Department of the Interior Ministry a blow to the head of the personal security service of President, Beylar Eyyubov.

The above facts lead to the idea that the events in Ganja and their interpretation are based not only on the problem of the problematic personality of Elmar Veliyev, but testify to far deeper intrastate contradictions.

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