Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/14.12.22/Turan: Since April this year, nominal average monthly wages in the Azerbaijani economy has practically not changed and fluctuated between 824.7 (January-April) and 827.9 (January-October), the State Statistics Committee said. In this case, a small rise in wages (0.3%) does not keep up even with the official inflation for this period - 1.4%.

At the same time, growth of average wages of 1.729.300 employed workers in Azerbaijan makes up 14.5% as compared to January-October 2021.

The official average annual growth of wages in the country is taken into account when indexing labor pensions.

Average monthly salary in the period from January-April to January-October 2022, in manats:



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