Disturbances in the software of sold computers revealed

Checking computer equipment in Baku in the investigation of violations of copyrights resellers of software Microsoft has revealed a number of violations.

This is not the first raid of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime Affairs of Azerbaijan, said the PR company Red Communication with reference to the source. The first police raid was conducted in January 2014 to collect evidence and subsequent criminal case for copyright infringement and distribution of pirated software.

According to the law "On Copyright and Related Rights" of Azerbaijan, use or any form of pirated software is a violation of copyright. These actions are punishable under criminal, administrative or civil liability, including imprisonment.

"Microsoft will continue to campaign to inform consumers of Azerbaijan and explain to customers that only the original certificate of authenticity Microsoft is a guarantee that your new computer is really genuine software installed Microsoft. We will continue this outreach to our customers and partners to reduce software piracy. However, we will continue to use existing legal mechanisms to stop piracy in the software distribution channel and end-users," said the director of licensing Microsoft in Central and Eastern Europe Evgeny Danilov, quoted as saying in a press release.

Market growth of licensed software in Azerbaijan takes on a momentum of greater effect on economic development, rather than on the basis of development of software piracy. Market growth of licensed software by 1% will bring $ 38 million in U.S. GDP , while a similar rise in the market for pirated software gives $ 19 million, thus increasing market licensed software will double the economic impact. In addition, every dollar invested in the licensed software gives a return on investment of $ 380. For comparison, the return on investment of $ 1 invested in pirated software, is $ 28.

"Activities undertaken by the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime Ministry of Interior confirmed the desire of government agencies to protect our consumers, national business and legal owners of the dangerous consequences of pirated software. Moreover, we hope that such activities will help develop the national software industry, and as a consequence, give impetus to further economic growth. We expect an increase in the number of inspections in the coming months," said the legal representative of BSA in Azerbaijan Nariman Ramazanov . - 17D-

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