Find a mechanism for normal payments for life insurance ?

BAKU/20.12.13/TURAN : In Azerbaijan, there are three companies specializing in life insurance and have the legal right to provide services on compulsory insurance and disability of individuals from accidents and occupational diseases . While life insurance is seen as a way of exceptional accumulation of funds , the same procedure as 30 to 40 % should be paid for gaining the trust of customers . In the local market no such need , as all corporate niches that hold insurance, busy.

As of December 1, the leading segment (due to power resources ) team Pasha Hayat Sigorta attracted 32 million 962.8 thousand manats , Ateshgah Hayat Sigorta - AZN 22 mln 223.69 thsd, and Qala Hayat Sigorta - 8 million 637.11 thousand manats . Benefit of the leader Ateshgah Hayat Sigorta is 2 million 426.77 thousand manats ( payout rate - 10.92 % of premiums) , which is about four times larger than its nearest competitor .

The law " On mandatory insurance of disability of individuals from accidents and occupational diseases" was approved in July 2010. In December of the same year completed the approval process of legal acts to the commencement of services under this type of insurance.

The Cabinet of Ministers in November 2010 approved the tariffs for compulsory insurance against disability resulting from occupational accidents . According to his decree, all economic activities are divided into 14 levels of risk.

Based on this level of risk , determined the size of the insurance rate for employees and workers in the enterprise, which ranges from 0.2% to 2 % depending on the risk level of the enterprise. In the state budget for the security of persons working in the government and public enterprises and organizations , this type of insurance , starting in 2011 , provides for the allocation of 10.03 million manat.

Under the law, the insurance rate is calculated from the capacity payroll in the enterprise. The law provides for three types of insurance payment: monthly, single and extra. - 17D-


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